Chapter 16

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How can I be expected to learn how to dance in less than three days. Tell me it's impossible is all I'm saying.

"Sweetheart what has you stressed?" Alex asked sitting down next to me. "Just the stupid Yule Ball. Ugh I have to wear the cast with my dress." I told him. "You'll still always look beautiful." He told me as I looked up at him as he smiled at me.

"Thank you." I told him as he kissed my cheek. "Anytime sweetheart." He told me. "Emmy come on." Cedric said as I stood up collecting my things. "Where you going?" Alex asked me. "Dance practice I'll see you in an hour." I told him standing up.

"I'll be waiting." He told me as I leaned down giving him a kiss. "Later." I told him before walking off with Cedric. "So that's the guy who's captured my baby's heart." Cedric said. "We're not even dating." I told him.

"Seems like it." He told me. "He hasn't even asked me out yet but acts like we're dating." I told him. "Does James know?" He asked. "No my dad doesn't know. Besides theirs nothing to know we're not even dating and I still need to find a date for the Yule ball. I already got my dress and heels which my dress will be a surprise for you." I told him.

"So kind of you." Cedric said as I rolled my eyes. "I'm spending Christmas with my dad this year." I told him. "Really?" "Yeah mom is letting me. I'm excited my first Christmas with my dad." I told him. "Im happy for you Emmy." He told me as we entered the classroom putting our things down seeing as we're late.

We partnered up with each other and started to dance. "Have you've gotten a date yet?" I asked him as he grinned meaning he did. "Yes I did." He said. "Is it Cho Chang the girl you've been eyeing?" I said as he shook his head. "Yes it's her, but if you don't have a date I'll go with you Cho will understand." He told me.

"Thank you but I think I will be fine." I told him as he gave me a nod. "You say the word and I'm with you." He told me.

"Your doing amazing you two." Professor sprout said as I smiled at her. "I have to do the dance with my cast. It's been a month already." I told him. "Maybe you can get it off for the Yule ball?" I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know honestly and I hope I can have it off before break but that's not going to work well." I told him. "Who knows maybe you will get it off." He told me as I shrugged my shoulders.

- - -


Emery's room is almost finished. I just need a package to come in. I ordered her something from France I just know she's going to love her room.

It's a light yellow with a yellow rug and a queen size bed that is all white. I added a desk in the corner of the room so if she ever wants to do some work or draw she can go their and do it.

I added some of her favorite books on a bookshelf because I know she loves reading she can add more books when she's ready or when she wants too.

Instead of the wood in her room I put carpet in so when she wakes up she doesn't touch the cold floor. So she has fluffy soft white carpet I know Emery she keeps everything very clean so I don't have to worry about her room being a mess.

"Is it to much?" I asked my mom. "Maybe James it's just a girl coming to stay here you didn't need to do all this." My dad said. "That girl is my daughter dad. Stop talking about her like that she's never did anything to you." I told him.

"She'll love it James." My mom told me I also added black out curtains so the sun won't bother her when it rises.

My dad walked downstairs as I let out a sigh. "Just give him time." My mom said. "How much more time mom. Emery is going to be coming in four days and she's going to be staying for break. I don't want him acting like that around her." I told her.

"I know luv he just needs to time." She told me. "I'll be downstairs." She told me kissing my cheek before walking off. I grabbed mine and Emery's picture of us together and placed it on her nightstand. It was when she was a baby who took it no clue but I'm glad I have it.

My little girl is so big now.

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