Chapter 15

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The Yule Ball is coming quicker than expected. I feel like just yesterday I broke my hand. Madam Pomfrey said I can maybe take the cast off before the Yule ball.

I haven't heard back from dad and today is the Hogsmead trip.

I knocked on Professor Blacks door before entering. "Um has my dad said anything about my trip?" I asked him. "Yes he has." He said standing up walking over to me. "Did he sign it I sorta need it right now-Hey did you get the slip?" Alex asked peaking his head through.

"The guys are waiting." He said. "Um hold on." I told him. "He did sign it and also told me to give you this." He said handing me the permission slip and a bag of money. "No I can't take it. I have to go but tell him I said no to keep it." I said handing him the money back.

"How else are you going to pay?" "I have money already I must go now." I told him. "More money for me." He said. "Emery." I heard Harry. "Running out of time must go." I said grabbing Alex and rushing off.

"Why are you avoiding him?" Alex questioned. "I am not avoiding him first of all. I simply don't want to talk to him." I told him seeing Jacob and the others. I waved to them seeing Danny.

"Relax it's just Danny I'm waving to." I told him as he threw his arm over my shoulder while holding my hand. "He has to know who your with." He said as I rolled my eyes. "You haven't asked me out so technically I'm single." "Sure you are sweetheart." He said as I playfully smacked his chest.

"Their they are thought we're gonna have to send a search party for you two." Leo said as I smiled at them. "We're here now let's go-Not so fast Ms.Griffin." I heard Professor McGonggal say.

"My dad signed here you see." I said handing it to her. "I see than have a nice trip with your friend." She said looking between me and Alex. I quickly let go of his hand and threw his arm off my shoulder.

She walked off as I turned around seeing the boys with smirks on their faces. "Shut up and get on." I said getting on the carriage as they got on as Alex stared at me as it started moving.

"Why did you throw my arm off?" He questioned. "Technically we're not even dating so-He grabbed my chin making me look at him as he smirked at me. He let go of my chin as we both stared at each other.

"She's like a mother to me." I told him dropping my head on his chest grabbing his hand holding it. "Is this better?" I asked him as I felt him place his head on top of mine. "Way better." He said as I playfully rolled my eyes.

"How are you two not together by now you act like you are you both obviously like each other so why aren't you dating yet?" Leo questioned us. "Because your friend hasn't asked me out yet." I told him.

"Technically he's my brother." Leo said as I looked up at Alex than at Leo. "Different dads same mom all four of us." Alex explained as I nodded my head. "What are you getting?" Jacob asked. "Well I need a dress for the Yule Ball and heels so I have to go into town and buy it all and I'm dragging Alex along with me." I told them.

"Get together already." Leo said dramatically. "Tell him to ask me out already." I told them laying my head back on his chest.

We got to Hogsmead and separated from the boys. They went off to go do some other things while me and Alex came to go dress shopping.

"Okay stay here while I look." I told him sitting him down in a chair as he stared at me. "Seriously-Stay." I told him before walking off.

I looked at some dresses than felt hands wrapping around my waist. "I told you to sit down." I told him. "I'm bored I miss you." He said. I pulled a dress out that was really pretty. "I like this dress go try it on." He told me. He moved as I walked to the dressing rooms.

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