Chapter 37

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Thanks to Lily last week I'm not sick no more and Professor Mcgonagall they both helped me to which I'm thankful for they didn't have to but they did.

"Sweetheart?" "Yes my luv." I answered him not looking up from my book. "Have you've been down here this whole time?" "She has been." Blaise answered for me. "It was loud in your dorm and you were sleeping so I came down here." I told him as he sat behind me as I was sitting on the floor.

"So like is that all she does?" Blaise asked. "No this isn't what she does all the time. The final task is coming up soon." "Speaking of the final task." Alex said. "Go on." "Why don't me and you ditch it-You know I can't do that I can't leave Harry." I told him.

"But your brother would win." "I'm not ditching it." I told him. "Fine you can bring Harry." He said letting out a sigh. Unbelievable.

I scoffed shaking my head. I stood up grabbing my things. "Where you going?" "Away from you right now." I told him walking past him. "Come back." He whined. "No." I said walking out the portrait.

Thinking I'm just going to do it because he said. Yeah right.

I love Alex but what the heck. "Slow down sweet cheeks." Leo told me. "Oh hey Leo." I said. "Did my brother piss you off?" "How'd you know? Did he send you? Merlin I can't believe-What No he didn't i was just messing around what'd he do?"

Leo asked. "Trying to make me ditch the final task. He just made me mad that's all." I told him. "My brother tends to make tons of people mad sweet cheeks." He told me. "I know he does." I told him.

"I'm just going to go study in the kitchen for a bit. If your brother comes looking for me don't tell him please I'd like to be by myself right now." "Of course." Leo told me. "Thank you. I'm just gonna go now." I told him giving him a quick hug before walking to the kitchens. This is the only place I know he won't find me.

I walked in setting my things down. "Twinkly?" I called out. "Yes Ms.Griffin?" A little kitchen elf said popping out of nowhere. "Do you mind getting me my usual?" "Right away!" She said popping away as I sat down opening up my books.

I'll just work on homework for now I guess. I'm not one to fall behind in homework but with this tournament it has me all stressed out. "Here you go Ms-Call me Emmy and thank you." I told her as she gave me a nod before disappearing.

I moved my cup in front of me so I don't spill it. Let's start on my potions essay for now.

I started my essay finishing it after my second cup of coffee. I then started on my charms homework.

About an hour went by I think I'm still working on homework. It's like homework after homework a never ending pile. I finished all of my potion assignments so I set those aside.

I pulled my hair back because it was in my face so it's in a low bun.

"Here you are." I heard. "Here I am." I mumbled not bothering to look up. "You've been missing for hours it's one in the morning." Cedric told me. "Just been doing homework that's all." I told him as he took my quill away.

"Hey I need that." I told him looking at him. "You need to rest Emmy. Let's go we can work on this together tomorrow when you've had a good nights rest." He told me collecting all my papers and gently putting them in my bag while holding it.

"Come on." He said as I held his hand as we walked out. I let out a yawn. "Thank you. I probably would've been up all night." "I know you would've but your welcome." He told me. We got the common room and went up to his dorm.

I got in his bed almost immediately shutting my eyes. "I love you." I said out loud. "I love you more Emmy." He told me as I felt myself fall asleep.

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