Chapter 28

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The drive here wasn't long surprisedly. Dad quickly got our stuff out as I grabbed mine and started to make my way towards the kings cross.

I soon spotted Cedric waiting for me. We walked over to where my dad and his friends were. A house elf grabbed my bag and took it on the train as another did the same to Harry's and other kids.

Dad started to talk to his friends but than his parents got here and walked over. "Dad." I said tapping him as he ignored me. "Dad!" I said again pulling on his shirt. "Dad!" I poked his side as he moved looking down at me.

"Can I go now?" I asked him as he stared at me. "We just got here!" He told me. "Well Cedric is waiting for me." I told him as he let out a sigh. "Fine go-I ran off towards Cedric jumping on his back as he was talking to someone.

He quickly caught me as we almost fell. "Hi pretty boy." I said as he laughed. "Hi Emmy." He said as I looked and saw it was Cho Chang he was talking to. "You two dating?" I whispered in his ear as he blushed. "Shut up." He told me. "I'll see you later Cedric." She said before walking off.

"To our compartment." I pointed towards the train as he shook his head laughing still holding me.

- - -

The train ride wasn't long. Well I fell asleep. We walked off the train and I saw Alex waiting for me. I rushed over hugging him tightly.

"I've missed you sweetheart you were far away from me for way too long." He said as I pulled back smiling at him. "Your not aloud to leave me for that long again ever." He told me as I laughed.

"Theirs the pretty girl." I heard Leo say as I pushed Alex away and ran over to him as he also ran over to me pulling me into a hug. "Oh I missed you boys." I told them.

"Just forget about your boyfriend than." Alex said as i bit back my laugh. He pulled me away from Leo holding me close to him. "Leave my girlfriend alone." Alex told them as they rolled their eyes.

"Come on Im tired. I want to sleep now." I told Alex. "What about dinner? Have you ate at all today?" "I'm just not hungry. I'm really tired but if your hungry you go eat." I told him as we started walking.

"No I already ate. Sweetheart you need to eat something." He told me as I shook my head. "I'm fine besides like I said I'm not hungry at all just very tired the seats weren't comfortable." I told him. "Sweetheart-I'm tired Alex I just want to sleep right now please. Are you coming or not?" I asked him.

I sound like a bitch. "Your eating breakfast tomorrow morning." He told me letting out a sigh as I grinned. "Let's go to bed." He said as I happily walked to the Slytherin common room walking in.

"Hey Pansy." I said as she looked at me than at Alex. "You two?" She asked confused as I gave her a nod. "Yeah we're together. But I'm pretty tired so we're just going to head up to his dorm." I told her as she gave me a nod.

"Don't be loud or long." Matteo Riddle told us. "Shut up dickhead." Alex said leading us up to his dorm. "Theirs sweats in the drawer and I'm assuming your going to want my shirt?" He said as I gave him a nod and walked over to his drawer grabbing sweatpants and walking to the bathroom to change.

I took my pants out and put the sweats on. Alex knocked on the door before opening it a tiny bit and sticking his hand in revealing his shirt. "Here you go." He told me as I took it and he closed the door.

I smiled than changed my shirt. I picked up my stuff and walked out. I set it beside his bed and got in next to him. I laid my head down on his chest closing my eyes.

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