Chapter 18

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One by one we walked inside the great hall. It looked completely different from earlier. It shocks me each day by what we can do.

"I'm going to fall." I whispered to Alex as we started the dance. "I'll catch you." He told me as I looked at him to see him already staring at me. I looked away focusing on dancing.

"So remember when you told me to ask you out in a way I've never done before." He spoke as I gave him a nod looking at him. "Yeah I do remember." I told him as he twirled me around.

He stayed quiet not saying anything.


"Look at Jacob." He said. "What?" "Look at Jacob." He said as I turned my head a bit seeing him holding something. "Read it." He told me.


"Read Leo's." He said as my eyes moved over to Leo and saw the same thing.


"Now look at Danny." He said as I looked at Danny.


"Will you be my girlfriend Emery Griffin?" He asked me as I looked back at him. "Of course." I told him hugging him as we danced. "So glad you said yes because the boys would've beat my ass." He said as I pulled back shaking my head.

"Your crazy." I told him as he grinned at me. "Crazy for you. You caught my eyes the moment I met you." He told me. "What if it was someone else you met before me." I asked him. "I seen you way before the library. I saw you walking leaving the great hall before we came in." He told me.

"Well I'm happy your the one who caught me and not a professor." I told him as the danced ended. "Now I can do this." I told him confusing him as I pulled him into a kiss as he immediately kissed me back. I pulled back as I smiled at him. "You could've done it before." "I know I could've but I wanted to wait till you asked me out besides you always kissed me. I'm the one who kissed you."

I told him. "Your dad is calling you." He said as I turned around seeing my dad staring at us as Professor Black is smirking at me. "My dad is going to want to meet you." I told him. "It's not to soon to meet my dad is it?" He shook his head laughing.

"No it's not." He told me. "I told him you were just a friend." I told him. "I figured come on." He said taking me to my dad. "Hi daddy." I said standing in front of him. "Who is he?" He immediately asked me. "My boyfriend." I told him as he stayed quiet. "He's really nice and he's so good to me-Are you happy?" He asked me as I nodded my head.

"Yes I really like him." I told him as he gave me a nod. "Okay than as long as your happy." He told me as I hugged him. "Thank you." He hugged me back. I pulled away stepping back. "Alex this is my dad James dad this is Alex." I told him.

"It's nice to meet you sir." Alex said putting his hand out to shake it. "You too." My dad said shaking his hand as I smiled. "You look beautiful princess." Dad said. "Thank you." I told him. "Sweetheart my brother is calling you." Alex told me as I looked seeing Leo grinning at me.

"Go ahead I'll catch up." He told me kissing my cheek. "Bye dad." I said kissing his cheek. "Your still coming for break right?" He asked. "Of course I am." I told him before walking off to Leo.


Emery walked over to go talk to his brother as he stayed meaning he got the hint. "Emery is my little girl I hope you know that and if something was to happen to her or if she cries because of you I will personally come after you." I told him.

"Yes sir." He said. "Now go make her happy." I told him before he walked off over to her as she wrapped her arms around him laying her head on his shoulder.

"It's going to hurt her when he leaves back after the tournament is over." Haylee said. "That's if their still together by than." Harry commented. "Is she still ignoring?" Sirius asked as Harry nodded his head.

My little girl look at not so little anymore. She's growing up right before my eyes. She has a boyfriend now I just hope he doesn't hurt her. I'm glad she's having fun that's all I want for her is to be happy and to have fun. She's just a kid after all she's my kid after all.

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