Chapter 26

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I skipped dinner last night. I already feel embarrassed from yesterday and I was not going to go sit their at the awkward dinner.

Just one more day than I leave back to the castle and I can be with Alex. I haven't told him anything about what happened or how me and dad kept arguing almost all week.

I've just stayed in the room all day. I slept the rest of the day yesterday.

"Are you coming down for lunch?" Harry asked opening the door as I laid on my stomach looking away from him ignoring him. "You can't hide in here forever you'll get hungry soon." He said.

I've gone days without eating I think I'll be fine.

"Emery grandma was only looking out for you. She doesn't want people to make of you because of your moms maiden name and than dad." He said as I ignored him.

"I'll be downstairs if you need me." He told me closing the door. Mom was right I'll always be second no matter what.

I played with my bracelet that Alex got me. He likes giving gifts for some reason. I don't mind at all but every time I get him one he declined I and says he doesn't need it so Leo takes it.

"Come eat." Dad said. "You need to eat. You didn't eat dinner last night or breakfast this morning you need to eat something." He told me. "Not hungry." I mumbled.

"Well you need to eat even if it's a little bit you need to eat." He told me. "Your grandmother-You told me my grandparents were dead so I'm sticking with that." I told him.

He didn't say anything at all. "Don't act like this Emery please. Your grandparents-Hate me. No need to tell me. I already know that." I said cutting him off. "They don't hate you okay don't say that. We're getting off track here just come down and eat." He said shutting the door.

Maybe if I act like I'm asleep they'll leave me alone. My door opened than closed.

"I'm not going downstairs so please just leave me alone." "I brought your food to you." I sat up seeing Regulus holding a plate of food. "Here eat." He said walking over setting it on my bed sitting in the chair at the desk.

"I completely understand why your mad." He said. "They we're wrong for saying that. You had every right to act like that." He told me. "So I'm not being dramatic?" "No your not the way I see it you reacted way better than I would've." He told me.

"Your much calm for being a Crouch." He told me. "Well I barely know my family history on both sides. One parent doesn't speak to their family and the other one lies to me and tells me he don't have any." I told him as he laughed

"You remind me of your uncle you know." He told me as I ate a grape off the plate. "Really? How?"


She slowly started to eat her food that's good. "Sarcastic and somewhat calm. You look a little bit like him." I told her as she smiled at me.

"I always got told I only looked like my mom she hated when I got told I look like her brother." She said.

Her brother?

"He use to do this thing when he would try to lie his nose would scrunch up. I've noticed you do it a couple times like when you told your dad it didn't bother you." He said.

"You got his messy brown hair. He could never tame it well he also never tried to your mom was always scolding him to brush it but he never did." I told her.

"You should never hide who you are especially because someone asked you too. Never hide yourself from being your true self. And never feel like your over dramatic it's best be over dramatic than not react at all." I told her.

"Thank you. Also thanks for bringing the food I didn't want to go downstairs." She said. "It's no problem. I know how your mom is it must be hard living with her." I told her. "It was alright she was barely home anyways."

"Penelope is a strange woman in her own ways." I told her as she nodded her head. "Yeah my mom is but she can be alright sometimes. I mean their isn't a moment where we're not arguing but I love my mom." She told me.

"She raised me on her own. I mean my dad was barely there growing up so it's hard to hate my mom when she was there for everything buts it's also hard to hate my dad because my mom always gave him a hard time so I don't blame him for not coming around while I was growing up." Emery said.

"It'll all be okay I promise you that. So who's your boyfriend?" I asked her as she smiled. "His name is Alex he's only here for the tournament." She told me with a huge smile. "Alex what?" "Salvatore him and his brothers are staying till the tournament is over." She told me.


Sirius screamed from downstairs as I shook my head. "I have to go now because of my annoying brother." I told her as she let out a giggle. "He is annoying. It was nice talking to you Reggie. It felt nice talking to someone." She told me.

She really is like her uncle.

"It's no problem you can talk to me anytime. Also Emery be careful with those Salvatore boys their family is into the dark lord stuff. I don't want you to get hurt so just be careful alright?" She gave me a nod. "I will don't worry besides their nothing like their family." She told me.

"You might right but just be careful I don't want you to get hurt." I told her as she gave me a nod. Before she could speak Sirius shouted for me again. She laughed as I shook my head and walked out closing the door.

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