Chapter 21

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I woke up to someone shaking me. "It's time for dinner." Harry told me as I stared at him. "Why couldn't you let me sleep more?" I told him getting more comfortable under my blanket shutting my eyes.

I closed my eyes again feeling myself fall back asleep. "Dad wants us downstairs." Harry said. "Five more minutes." I mumbled.


Harry came without Emery. "She said five more minutes than fell back asleep." Harry said as I let out a sigh. "Let her rest luv she seemed tired from the drive here still." Lily told me.

"She's been asleep for two hours." "Jamie you use to sleep till the next day so hush and let her rest. Besides you all week with her." Willow told me. "I'm here I'm up." Emery said walking in sitting down.

"Dear your still tired why don't you go sleep. It's fine." Lily told her. "No, I'm fine no need to worry about me." Emery told her. Harry passed her a plate full of food already as she stared at it for a couple seconds. "Oh thank you Harry." She told him as he served himself again. "Your welcome." He told her.

"Let's eat now." Mom said as we did. This is nice having my family here and my wife and kids all here at the table together.



After dinner last night I told everyone goodnight and went back to sleep after showering and brushing my teeth.

Dinner was good last night. I feel like me and Harry can have a siblings bond. I walked downstairs seeing my dad up already looks like he's about to leave somewhere.

"Morning princess." Dad said. "Morning dad. Where you off to?" "I have some errands to run I'll see you later love you bye." He said kissing my cheek before leaving.


I just thought we were going to spend time together for once. But he's busy so I shouldn't bother him anyways.

I walked back upstairs to get ready for the day. I grabbed some clothes and walked into the bathroom. I threw my hair up because I ain't washing it today I just washed it yesterday so no need to wash it today.

I turned the shower on setting my clothes down on the counter. I stripped my clothes leaving them on the floor and entered the shower. The bathroom was pretty. A big mirror and a tub and shower.

It's very pretty in here and I love it. It's almost like mine at moms. I washed my body and stood their for about ten minutes before getting out wrapping my towel around my body.

I dried myself off and got dress. I let my hair down brushing it out. I pulled on some socks and threw my dirty clothes in my dirty basket and put everything I used away or in the dirty basket.

I exited the bathroom seeing my dads dad in here. "Hello." I said shutting the door as he stared at the floor. "Did you need something?" I asked him softly and kindly.

He didn't say anything so I made my way over to the book shelf grabbing a book to read. I sat down on the chair in the corner of the room next to the next. "You ruined my sons relationship by being born." He told me as I stared at the book.

Is this why dad brought me here to hurt my feelings by people I didn't know existed?

"You shouldn't have been born in the first place your a mistake from his past." He told me. "You don't belong here and I'll never consider you my granddaughter." He told me as I heard him stand up. "Em and grandpa Aunt Willow is calling you guys." Harry said.

"Come on Harry." He said as he walked out. I held back my tears not letting them fall. "You coming Em?" Harry asked. "Um yeah just give me a minute." I told him as he walked off shutting my door. I immediately wiped away the tears before they could fall.

I took a deep breath and set the book down on the desk. He's not wrong in any sort of way. I guess I'll just keep sticking with my grandparents died. It's better that way, I won't get hurt if their dead. I looked in the mirror before walking out.

I walked downstairs to see what Willow wanted. "Harry said you were calling me?" I asked standing next to her. "Yes I am sit sit." I sat down across from her.

"Im sorry about yesterday. I shouldn't have told you that just because mine didn't work out doesn't mean your won't." She told me. "No it's fine, no need to apologize." I told her.

"Where'd you get that at?" She asked pointing to the chain around my neck. "Oh it's my dads it was a birthday present." I told her as she smiled at me. "Im glad someone is using it." She told me. "Your grandpa got it for your father but her rarely wore it. Im just glad it's getting used." She told me.

"It's suppose to be passed down to the males in the family not to you." He spoke up. "Dad!" Willow said. "Harry was suppose to get it for his eleventh birthday." He said.

I took it off handing it to Harry. "Here you go sorry for taking it." I told him as he stared at me. "No Emery you-I'm just gonna go to the room." I told them before walking upstairs.

I'm clearly not welcomed here. I walked in the room shutting the door as a letter fell on my bed as a owl left out my window. I walked over grabbing the letter seeing it's from Alex.

I opened it reading it.

Hello sweetheart, I miss you dearly. These idiots I call my brothers are very annoying when do you come back? I need to see you again.

How is it going with your father and his family. Hope all is well let me know if something is bothering you. I'll find a way to go get you.

I shook my head laughing a bit as some tears fell.

I got you a present for Christmas your going to love it. Write to me when you can. I hope you have an amazing break sweetheart.

Yours only A.S 

I closed the letter letting out a sigh. It feels weird without the necklace. I've had it all my life to feel close to dad only to find out it was never meant for me.

Maybe it'll be best if I go back home to moms or Cedric's. I just don't feel comfortable here I'm not wanted here and it's clear I'm not.

I'll just talk to dad about it. I don't want to stay somewhere, where I'm not welcomed I just don't like it and he makes it clear he don't like me. I'm just a mistake from my dads past that's all I'll ever be to him.

I let out a sigh and laid down. Maybe if I stay in here all day I won't be a bother for him. That should work right?

Let's do it.

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