Chapter 69

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"Where's mom?" I asked my uncle. "Home being a maniac like always." He told me as I gave him a nod. "Your so big now. I remember you just being a baby." Evan told me.

"Your son is Evan right?" I asked as he gave me a nod. "Yeah that's my son has he been a little shit?" He asked me as I shook my head no. "Good you tell me if he is." He said as I gave him a nod.

"How are you classes going?" Reggie asked me. "Alright but the new professor is a prat." I told them. "Emery!" Regulus said as Evan and my uncle laughed. "What she is! I got detention because my book was on the wrong side of my desk. That's just plain stupid." I told him as my uncles laughed even more.

"Yes it's stupid-It's more than stupid i also got in trouble for talking to someone. She has it out for me!" I told them. "Who would have it out on the baby?" "Exactly!" I said. He called me a baby.


After spending time with my uncles they had to leave for some reason. They didn't say why but I left out of Sirius office.

"Hurry." Harry yelled rushing past me as I looked at him. "Let's go Emery!" He said as I quickly ran after them.

We got to Professor Umbridge office as they started looking around. "Why are we in here?" I asked him as he didn't say anything. "Looking for something." Hermione said as I gave her a nod.

The door flew open as Professor Umbridge walked in with Draco and his goons behind him. "Disobedient children." She said as I looked at her.
"Why are you in my office?" She asked looking at me.

"Uh." I looked down. "Grab the others." She said as they grabbed Harry and them. "Hey-Shut it and sit down." She said forcing me into a chair. "Uh I don't feel comfortable like this." I told her as I felt a sting on my face.

She slap me?

"Leave her alone!" Harry told her. "Why we're you in my office?" She asked me. "I-I-Answer me!" She screamed at me very close to my face for my opinion.

"She doesn't know leave her alone!" Harry told her. "Lies. You two have been lying to the whole wizarding world!" She said. "But we aren't!" I told her. "Let's see if you'll keep lying to me!" She said as she pointed her wand at me as I closed my eyes expecting to be hit with something.

My cast is gone now.

"Let's see now." She said grabbing my arm tightly. "Owe." I mumbled. "Why we're you in my office now?" She said again. "I can't tell you." I told her as she squeezed harder on it. "Stop it, you'll break her arm again!" Kaylee told her.

"Tell me!" She demanded. "I can't tell you." I told her again because I truly don't know why we were in here. She squeezed harder and I could've sworn I heard something break.

"Stop it you'll break it and I'll never be able to play again." I told her as her smile widened adding more pressure. I felt my tears starting to build up. "Stop please. I can't tell you because I don't know why we were in here!" I told her which seemed not to please her.

"Lies! Now I'm gonna ask one more time why we're you in my office?" She dropped my arm as it fell onto my lap. "She doesn't know. Leave her alone already!" Harry told her. She stared at me as I held my arm.

"Let's go." She mumbled lifting me up by my arm hurting me even more. She dragged me by my arm out of her office. "I will not tolerate any lies." She said.

"I know you part of that secret group." She mumbled. What group?

"My arm please your really hurting me." I told her as she entered Professor McGonagall's office throwing me to the floor as I landed on my arms. "Escort her out she is kicked out of the castle." She told McGonagall as she helped me up off the floor.

"You-I'd watch it if I were you. I am the headmaster after all." She said. "Now escort her out of my castle!" She said before leaving.

"My goodness dear are you okay?" She asked me as my tears fell. I shook my head no holding my arm. Where am I suppose to go now?

"My arm she took my cast off." I told her. "Let's get you to the hospital wing." She said as I gave her a nod trying my best not to cry. "Don't worry I won't let her hurt you anymore." She told me.

"Emery?" I turned around seeing Alex with his brothers. "Mr Salvatore can I trust you to take Ms Griffin to the hospital wing?" Minerva told him as he gave her a nod.

"Escort her straight to the hospital wing. I must go inform your father Emery." She said as I gave her a nod. "Hurry now and tell her I sent you." Minnie told us as we quickly walked off. "What happened?" He asked me.

"Nothing." "Where's your cast?" He asked me as we entered the hospital wing. "Madam Pomfrey." She walked over to us. "What's wrong dear?" She asked. "My arm the broke one. Minnie sent us." I told her as she gave me a nod and led me back to a bed.

"There, there Emery I'll make you feel all better." She told me moving my hair out of my face. I hope Harry is okay.

"Here drink this." She said handing me a potion as I quickly took it.

I felt myself getting sleepy. "Their don't worry you'll be okay." She told me and that was the last thing I heard.

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