Chapter 72

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How can i still love someone even if they hurt me badly and told me countless times that I was nothing but a failure and a disappointment?

How can I still love my mom? She put my through pain growing up, refusing me to see my dad, reminding me how I ruined our family.

It hurts knowing that's all she ever thought of me was a disappointment, a burden, knowing that's all I'll ever be to her and she's gone now and I can't even prove her wrong to show her I'm not a disappointment.

She died hating me.

I can remember millions of times where she called me a disappointment, or a disgrace, or a mistake that should've never been born. Not once in my life have I ever heard her tell me she's proud of me and I'll never get the chance to hear her say that.

Maybe that's all I'll ever be is a disappointment no matter what.

"Hey princess?" My uncle walked into my room. "Yeah?" "You okay? You didn't eat breakfast." He told me. "I'm fine just not hungry." I told him as he gave me a nod. "Want me to leave you alone?" He asked. "Sorta. I just wanna be by myself right now." He gave me a nod understanding.

"Okay I'll be in my room if you need me." He told me as I gave him a nod as he closed the door.

A tear fall as I wiped it away. I refuse to cry.

My door opened as Alex walked in. "You okay?" He asked shutting my door. "I'm fine." I told him as he came and sat on my bed beside me. "No your not as much as you try to hide it your not. Baby I know you inside and out I know when your lying." He said as I rested my head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Why does it hurt so much?" I asked him. "She hated me, she made my life miserable and here I am crying over her!" I told him. "Because she was your mom nothing you can do can ever replace your love for your mom. She did treat you like shit but you always saw the good in her and gave her multiple chances that's why it hurts."

He told me pulling me closer to him. "Make it stop it hurts make it stop." I said as more tears fell as he held me close. "It'll stop over time you hear it'll stop hurting but you can't blame yourself for it." He whispered to me.


Okay two kids are missing now. Alex and Emery well more like one. We all know where Emery is she doesn't come out her room now a days she tends to ignore everyone.

"I'll check upstairs!" I told Marlene walking upstairs. Let's just check up on her see how she's doing she don't want to talk to anyone about Penelope's death she refuses too.

I opened her door and found Alex. They we're both cuddled up next to each other asleep. "Did you find-Shh." I told her as she looked into the room with a smirk. "Sneaky little one ain't she?"

"Thought they broke up?" Marlene asked. "They did but Alex still loves her and we all know Emery still loves Alex." Jacob said as we turned around seeing him behind us. "How do you know that?"

"Try living with Alex. He'll do anything for Emery only dumb people are slow not to notice the love they still have for each other!" Jacob said. Wow okay than.

"But don't tell him I told you because he will kill me." Jacob said before walking off. "Let's let them sleep." I told her pushing her out the door shutting it. "Let's keep the boys away from her room." I told her. "Or let them find out." Marlene suggested.

"No you want drama no!" I told her as she rolled her eyes. "Not all the time." She mumbled as I shook my head walking away.

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