Chapter 83

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Im skipping to two years


The last two years has been alright. Every time I saw my dad as the castle I'll just avoid him or turn the other way around the same for Harry.

My arm is finally healed after so long. I wasn't able to play last year but I got to spend time with Alex more I guess. It wasn't that bad.

Just this summer we got back together. I guess Harry left so he won't be attending this school year which I don't mind but my dad is headmaster. Thats just great but i can still avoid him like I've done countless times.

"I can totally play today!" I told Theo as he laughed. "We know you've been talking about it since you got your cast off." He told me as I smiled at him. The past two years I stayed at Theo's place to which he let me to which I'm very thankful for.

"I'm playing today can you believe that?" Alex laughed shaking his head. "I can believe that sweetheart." He said as we were walking.

Alex and his brothers stayed at my dads but they always came over to see me I never went to the house and they understand why I won't.

"My bad." I mumbled as I bumped into someone. "Emery." It was Lily, Sirius, Willow and my dad. "Hi." I mumbled looking at Theo who stood behind them trying not to laugh.

"My goodness you've gotten so big!" Lily said hugging me as I patted her back. "Your hair! It's gotten longer!" She said as I nodded my head. "Yeah it did."

"I see your still short!" Sirius said as I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, I got to go now." I said walking past them as I shook my head. Theo was trying so hard not to laugh. "Shut up." I mumbled hitting him in the side as he started laughing. "Your face!" He said as I rolled my eyes.

"I've got to go now before Jones murders me bye." I said. "We'll be watching you." Alex said giving me a kiss. I walked off into the lockers sneaking past jones grabbing my broom.


Wow she's gotten a bit taller from the last time I saw her. "She looks different. She looks more like James now." Willow said.

"Mhm she does looks like she is okay and happy." Sirius said as I nodded my head. "Yeah she does." "She didn't even insult me!" Sirius said as I rolled my eyes. "Come on the match is starting!" Willow said as we followed.

Would things be different if I hadn't given up on her?

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