Chapter 45

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I got to the house after some time away. I walked in as my dad immediately came in front of me. "Come with me." He said grabbing my hand dragging me into the living room where Professor Mcgonagall was.

"What is this an intervention?" "No it's not." Dad said. "Come sit Emery." She told me as I slowly walked over to her sitting down next to her. "We'll leave you two alone?" Dad said dragging Sirius away and shutting the doors.

"Your dad told me everything Emery. How your not being yourself-What else did he tell you. That he practically abandoned me all these years as well because he seems to be telling everyone I'm not fine. I'm fine." I told her as she stared at me.

"Your not fine dear." She told me. "Yes I am. My best friend is dead and I almost died as well everything is fine. Oh while I was in a coma I missed my own brother's funeral so I'm fine." I told her as she let out a sigh.

"Amos didn't know how long you'll be in a coma for and he wanted to have a funeral for Cedric right away-How is that fair? He died in front of me while I couldn't do nothing and I missed his funeral so I think I have a right to be mad."

"No one said you can't be mad. We don't want you holding it in. Talk to us don't hold it in." "Who I'm I suppose to talk to tell me. Everyone is eventually going to die and I'll be all alone." I told her.

"Dear no one is going to leave you or die-You don't know that like you didn't know what was going to happen that night so you don't know that!" I snapped at her. "Your not like this Emery." She said shaking her head as I stood up letting out a groan rubbing my face. "I know!"

I should've just listened to my mom that day.

"Maybe-Sirius shut up." I yelled at him as he put his hand on his hip staring at me. "Maybe the crazy gene is getting to you I mean your a Crouch after all they all eventually go crazy. I mean look at your mom she's going crazy slowly but surely and your uncle well he died crazy." He said. "Fuck you." "Hey." My dad said.

"Sirius enough your not helping." Professor Mcgonagall told him. "Emery we don't cuss-But it's okay for him to call me crazy and to talk about mom like that? That is not fair." "Life ain't fair." "I can obviously tell but you wouldn't understand that Sirius because you left your home leaving Regulus to deal with everything because your a coward." "Listen here you little shit." He went to walk over but his wife pulled him back.

"My mother-Was a crazy bitch yeah so I've heard and if you don't like me bringing it up stop bringing up mine. I have no relations what so ever with any Crouch member except my mom. My uncle died when I was young I don't talk to my grandparents cause their dead so I am not like them." I told him. "Emery that's enough now!" Dad told me.

"Isn't this what you wanted dad tell me isn't it?" "Your exactly like every other Crouch your going to go all crazy just like the rest of them. Your gonna end up exactly like your uncle somewhere dead. Your a Crouch no matter what Emery it's in your dna so you can't outrun it." He said. "I want to go back to moms." I told my dad. "Yes run back to your mom like you always do when things get tough you run back to mommy. Your mom is just a bitch Emery who's only going to use you than leave your like everyone else has done before."

"Sirius that's enough now. I won't let you keep talking to her-I walked out of their out the front door. I'm not going to stay their and let him talk to me like that. So I'm going home. It's only twenty minutes from here that's all.

He's right everyone is just going to leave me all alone.

I finally reached the manor as I walked in locking the door. I am not crazy. It was a mistake choosing to go to my dads.

Every time all I ever gotta was hurt each time. He lets them talk about mom like that and expects me not to get mad. Okay sure she may be a little crazy but she's a good person maybe a horrible mother but a good person.

I threw the glass cup that was on the table it shattered on the floor. I let out a sigh and walked to the kitchen.

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