Chapter 58

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The past two weeks I've spent avoiding everyone. I avoided going to dinner or breakfast or lunch I'd eat in the kitchen by myself. I'd wake up early and leave before anyone else wakes up or go in late after everyone is asleep.

I hide in the library all day avoiding everyone. My dad told me he's handled it they won't spread anymore lies around but I haven't told him their still doing it.

I just don't want him to think that I'm weak and always needs his help for everything.

"What are you doing baby cousin?" Carson asked me. "Homework." I muttered not looking up. "Aren't you suppose to be in class?" I shook my head lying to them. "So we heard from Harry who heard from Sirius who heard from your dad who you told that your going over this break?" Matthew said.

I mumbled a short yeah as they took my quill. "Give me that back." They shook their heads. "Nope." Andrew said. "Fine I'll get another one-Nope." Carson said snatching my bag from me.

"Give me it." I told them. "Catch us." They said before running out as I quickly grabbed my homework and ran out after them.

I'm now chasing these three around the corridors for my bag. "Give me my bag back." I yelled at them as they laughed. "Nope." I shook my head but couldn't help but laugh myself. "Guys I seriously have to finish my homework." I told them.

They than stopped hiding behind Sirius and my dad. I stopped but not in time I ran into Sirius causing him to tumble a bit and me to tumble with him. He grabbed me steadying me as he gave me a bored look.

"Seriously!" He mumbled as I grinned at him. "Very Sirius." I said as he rolled his eyes. "Why we're you running?" My dad asked me as I pointed at the boys.

"They took my bag along with my quill so I can't finish my homework." I told him. "You four my office and give her, her bag back." My dad said as they handed me my bag as I carefully placed my homework in it following my dad. Carson than got my attention walking very closely behind Sirius than he pulled his hair as I bit back my laugh and looked away as Sirius looked at us.

"Don't pull my hair I'm watching you four." He said as we continued walking. We made it to my dads office where Harry sat down doing his homework as I walked over sitting down next to him so I can do my homework as well. "Homework?" Harry questioned as I gave him a nod as he handed me a quill as I mumbled a thank you.

"You five stay in here while we get the others." My dad said as I shrugged my shoulders. "For what?" I asked Harry as he shrugged his shoulders. "No clue he told me to come here and sit." Harry said as we both went back to doing our homework.

I wonder what dad is going to tell us?

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