Chapter 84

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Everything's a mess. Voldemorts here him and his army they took the little kids to go hide while we the older ones fight.

I can't lose this place or let it get destroyed it's the only place I feel at home. "Come on fight back!" Bellatrix screamed as I ran off from her going up to the Astronomy tower. I looked down seeing everyone fighting the building getting destroyed. People are dying and the one time Harry should be here he ain't he left like a coward.

He ran I saw him run away from the castle. I don't know how we're related at all. "Emery!" I turned seeing Alex rushing towards me. He immediately hugged me and pulled back giving me a kiss.

"Your okay." He said pulling back. "Yeah I'm fine are you?" He gave me a nod as Jacob looked around making sure no one came up. Voldemort and his army came walking in with Hagrid as I rushed down as fast as I can.

"Who's Hagrid holding?" I heard one of the kids ask. "Harry Potter is dead." He yelled laughing. "No!" Ginny screamed running but her dad stopped her.

"You foolish girl." He said as I looked around. "Join me or you shall die." He said. "Draco!" Lucien said as i looked at Draco. "Come Draco." Voldemort said. I grabbed Draco's hand. "Don't go please." I whispered to him as he looked at me.

"Please don't go." I told him as he squeezed my hand as looked at me giving me a nod. "You foolish boy!" Voldemort screamed as Harry fell out of Hagrid's arms hitting Voldemort as death eaters started leaving.

"Come on let's go." Alex said grabbing my hand as we ran. "Let's get out of here now!" Alex said. "Alex we can't-sweetheart I love you and all but I'd rather have you alive than dead so we're leaving all of us!" He told me as I gave him a nod.

He apprated us out of here. We got to the manor as I let out a sigh. "Did we do the right thing?" I asked Alex. "Babe I'd rather have you alive than dead. My brothers are safe away from the castle we're all safe." He told me holding my face in his hands.

"Come on." He said grabbing my hand.


Harry did it. He killed Voldemort the war is over now! I just hope Emery is okay! Last I saw her was earlier with Draco.

"I'm so proud of you!" I told Harry. "Where's Emery? I saw her earlier!" Harry asked. "I don't know Harry we haven't seen her." I told him. "I need to look for her!" Harry said rushing off.

I let out a sigh as Lily walked over to me. "Emery actually left a bit ago with Alex so maybe we should tell Harry." She told me as I gave her a nod.


A week after the war!

Me and Lily talked to Harry about going to therapy but he said he didn't want to because he didn't need it and we don't want to force him to go either.


Okay so maybe going to therapy won't be bad. But I need a parents signature seeing as I'm a minor so I'd have to go to my dad and ask him to sign the paper.

I really don't want to but Alex said I should try it out. He started going and he said it's been helping him out so I'm giving it a shot.

"It won't be that bad." Alex said as I stood in front of the house. It's been some time since I been back here never did I think I'd ever step foot in here again.

Alex quickly knocked on the door as I rested my head on his shoulder holding onto the papers. "It's for a good cause remember!" Alex told me as the door opened.

"Emery!" I looked seeing it was Harry. "Hey Harry I said. "Come in!" He said as we slowly walked in and when I say we i mean mean.

"Is um dad here?" "Oh yeah follow me." He said as I stopped myself from groaning as Alex was just enjoying my pain. "Dad Emery is here." Harry said as they all looked at me. "Emery!" My uncle said rushing over hugging me tightly.

"Oh thank goodness your okay! Don't you ever do that to me again." He told me as I gave him a nod.

"Where are you staying?" He asked me. "Uh around with some friend you know. Um dad can you sign this for me?" I asked already with a quill in my hand. "What is it for?" "Nothing important just need your signature that's all!" I said handing him the paper.

"Emery this is for-I know can you just sign it?" I asked him. He let out a sigh signing it. I quickly grabbed the paper folding it shoving it into my back pocket.

"Thank you." I mumbled. "So how have you've been?" Harry asked me. "Alright I've been alright." I told him. "How have you've been?" I asked as Alex poked my side as I tried not to laugh.

"I've been good I've been looking for you I want to get back in touch." Harry said as I looked at Alex who shrugged his shoulders. "Uh yeah sure." I said. I looked back at Alex. "We have to get these papers in before five." I told him quietly.

"Yeah I know." "You two got somewhere to be?" Harry asked. "Sorta I have to drop these papers off before five." I told them. "Oh yeah than we won't hold you two any longer." My dad said.

"Emery why don't you guys come for dinner? Dad and mom won't mind Em." Harry said. "Yeah we'll come." Alex said as I looked at him. I'm so gonna kill him later. "Alright than we will see you guys at seven?" Barty asked.

"Yes seven." Lily said as I gave them a nod. "We'll see you guys at seven than." Alex said. "Bye than." I said as Harry gave me a hug to which I hugged him back. I've missed my brother I regret blaming him for my arm. I was just pissed off at the time.

"I'll see you later." He whispered to me. I pulled away giving a small wave to everyone else before walking out with Alex behind me.

"That went better than expected." Alex mumbled as I rolled my eyes. "Come on let's get these papers turned in." He told me kissing my cheek.

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