Chapter 20

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I woke up seeing we just stopped. I looked to my left seeing I was laying on Harry's shoulder. I moved away mumbling sorry to him before getting out.

"Let me grab your guys bags." Dad said. "It's fine dad I can grab my own." I told him going to the trunk going to grab my bag as dad smacked my hand away from my trunk. "No I'm grabbing it for you." Dad said as I looked at the house.

"This is your house?" I asked dad pointing at the big Manor in front of me. "Yes it is it's also yours." Dad told me. "How long have you've had it for?" "Years now right Lil?" "Yeah before Harry was born." She said.


He must've worked hard for this house than. "Come on let's head in." Dad said as I followed behind him. He opened the door revealing it being beautiful inside. It's really pretty.

"Lily and I designed everything." Dad said. "It's pretty." "Come on let me take you to your room." Dad said excitedly. I followed him upstairs as we passed a room the door was shut closed.

Dad opened a door walking inside as I followed in. "This is your room." Dad said as I looked around. This is beautiful. "Thank you I designed it all just for you." Dad said. "You didn't have to dad this is to much-Do you not like it?"

"No I love it but you didn't have to do this all. I know this must've costed a lot dad and I-Don't worry about the cost okay. All that matters is if you like it or not." He told me. "Thank you dad I love it." I told him giving him a hug. "Your welcome I'll let you get settled in I'll be downstairs just give me a shout." He said as I gave him a nod letting him go as he walked downstairs.

Does dad not struggle with money after all?

Does dad even want me here?

I already hurt Harry and Lily what if I'm still doing it by being here?

I sat down on the bed looking around. It's a pretty room different from my room at moms. My room at moms is all dark green it's pretty but different from my room here. It's weird saying my room at dads house.

I looked down at the ground seeing the white carpet. I took my shoes off so I don't get the white carpet dirty at all. I put them away in the closet which is huge. I brought my trunk in my closet so I can put things away for now.

I put my clothes all away where they belong than just sat down on the floor for a bit.

"Dad wants you downstairs." Harry said peaking his head through the closet door. "Okay um I'll go down right now." I told him as he gave me a nod. "You know I don't hate you." Harry spoke up. "Why not? You should hate me I mean I ruined your life. Dad cheated on your mum with mine you should hate me Harry." I told him.

"Well I don't okay. Your my little sister alright always will be no matter what or how you we're born your my little sister and I will never hate you ever." He told me. "I have a question." I told him. "Yeah?" "Has dad ever struggled with money?" He shook his head. "No dads rich Em dad will never have to struggle with money problems dad doesn't even have to work he's rich." He told me.

"Would dad always work?" "Rarely only if they need his." He said. "Dads waiting for us come on." He told me. "I'll be down in a minute." I told him as he gave me a nod and walked out.

So if dad never struggled for money than why was he always working when I wanted to see him.

Dad didn't work so why wasn't he their? Does dad not want me?

I got up and walked downstairs. I found my dad what seems to be the living room. "Harry said you were calling me." I said going to the side of him. "Yes I am. I want you to meet your aunt and grandparents." He told me.

I thought they died. "That's your grandmother Euphemia and grandfather Fleurmont and your aunt Willow." He said. "You can call me Mia or grandma Mia which ever is fine by me and can call your grandfather grandpa or Monty." Euphemia told me.

"You little one can call me whatever you want." Willow said as I gave them a nod. "Nice meeting you guys." I told them. My hand hurts now. This ain't awkward at all. "So what house are you in?" Dads sister asked me. "Hufflepuff." I told her.

"Nice any cute guys in that house?" She questioned as my dad glared at her. "Any boyfriends or girlfriends?" She asked me. "Willow stop trying to get a reaction out of your brother. But do you dear?" Euphemia told me.

"Their is a boy he's from Durstrang academy." I told them. "Are you two dating?" Willow asked. "Yeah we are." I told them "long distance doesn't work out." She told me. "Leave her alone Willow." Dad said. "You don't believe in long distance relationships?" I asked her.

"No you'll only get hurt it's not worth it." She told me. "So you think we should break up?" "No you two will be fine ignore her." Dad said. "Have you finished unpacking?" Dad asked as I gave him a nod. "Why don't you and Harry go play outside." Dad said. "I'm not a kid I'm fourteen dad I don't play outside anymore I'm not four years old anymore." I told him.

"Fine why don't you and Harry go do something than." He said. "Like what?" "I don't know Emery go do something." He told me. "I'm tired I'm just going to the room to rest for now." I told him before turning around and going upstairs.

I entered my room shutting the door gently and went and laid down on the bed. I laid down on my stomach holding onto the pillow.

Dad is treating me like a child. I am not a child.

I don't get it everything between me and dad were just fine and now he's acting like this. Does dad really not want me here?

Maybe I'm just overreacting here or maybe I'm right and he doesn't want me here.

"Are you okay?" I turned around seeing Harry standing by the door. "I'm fine." I told him. "You seemed pretty upset downstairs are you sure?" "You can come in you know." I told him sitting up as he walked in.

"You don't just have to stand by the door." I told him as he sat down next to me. "Are you okay?" He asked me one more time. "I don't know Harry. I expected something way different than this." I told him.

"Like what?" "Nothing like this Manor." I said pointing around the house. "I mean dad worked so much when I was growing up so I just expected something else than this." I told him. "What did you expect?" "My mom always told me dad was working because he needed the money so when he wouldn't show up for birthdays or Christmas's I just figured he was working cause he didn't have money and now that I'm here it was all a lie.

Dad was never poor he just had a wife and son to worry about." I said. "your just as important Em." he told me. "I'm sorry for dumping all of this on you." I told him. "It's fine I don't care. If your not happy here tell dad. Don't stay because you don't want to hurt his feelings." He told me.

"I want to stay though. It's my first Christmas with him it's just not what I was expecting but I'll suck it up and deal with it." I told him. "Just talk to him he'll understand." He told me as I let out a yawn. "Can we just take a nap I'm tired of talking." I told him we he gave me a nod. "Thank you." I told him as I laid down next to him laying my head on his shoulder.

I closed my eyes letting myself drift off to sleep.

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