Chapter 23

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We got to St.Mugos and was immediately taken to a room. They took some x-rays or my hand. A doctor came in sitting down.

"Nice to see you again Ms.Griffin." Doctor Gray said. "Who might this be?" He asked pointing to my dad. "What is your relations to the patient?" He asked. "He's-A friend of her mothers. Her mom was busy to bring her." Dad said.

Is he ashamed of me?

"Oh I see well give your mother my best." He said. "Let's see the hand now." He said grabbing my hand. "When did you break it?" He asked. "A few months ago I think I'm not sure." I told him.

Everything that day is something I want to forget. I don't want to remember breaking my hand ever again especially not by a dragon.

"Your hand looks fine try to move it." He told me as I did but it hurt to move my fingers around. "Does it hurt?" He asked as I gave him a nod. "Will I still be able to play Quidditch I'm a chaser." I asked.

"Probably not-My hand looks fine though!" I told him. "It looks fine but one wrong move and you can mess it up completely. I do recommend some physical therapy for it." He said.

At this point I zoned out.

How can I not play. I need to play. That's not fair. I did everything right I was nice and I still got hurt and now I can't play.

"Come let's go now." Dad said as I jumped off the bed and followed him out to the car. We got in and left. "Is their any place you want to go to?" Dad asked as I shook my head. "You can just go home. That way you don't have to tell people your moms friend watching me." I told him.

"Emery it's not like that." He told me. "I don't care dad. It doesn't bother me." I told him. I'm still going to play ain't nothing stopping not even my hand. We got to the house as I immediately walked in not waiting for dad.

"Emery." Dad called out. I walked upstairs to the room. "Emery." Dad shouted as I ignored him. "Woah their sweetheart." I saw Alex as I entered the room. I shut the door and ran over hugging him. "I've missed you so much." I told him. "Me too. I got worried when you didn't write back." He told me.

"Sorry I fell asleep." I told him. "What's got you riled up?" He asked. "We just went and got my hand checked." "And what'd they say?" He asked. "I can't play Quidditch anymore and the rest I zoned out. But my dad said he's my mom's friend and not my dad apparently." I told him.

"Sweetheart it'll be okay I promise you. How's it been going talk to me?" He said as someone knocked as I rushed him to the bathroom locking us in here. "Emery?" I heard my dad.

"Emery come out. Stop throwing a tantrum." Dad said. A tantrum really I am not. "Emery!" He said. I turned the shower on so he thinks I'm taking a shower. "Come see me when your down." Dad said as I heard the door close. Alex was sitting on the toilet seat with a smirk playing on his lips.

He motioned for me to go over so I did and he pulled me down onto his lap. "What happened?" It He asked me. "I don't know. I have grandparents that I was told was dead and now their alive or something and they hate me. It's the total opposite of what I was expecting." I told him.

"Sweetheart if your not comfortable here go to your moms or Cedric's." He told me. "I know I just want to stay with my dad. It's just not what I expected when I was told I'm staying with him you know." I told him. "Listen whatever you choose I'll support you no matter what okay. So if you want to stay than stay if not don't than." He told me.

"This is why I like you." I told him holding his face. "Oh I thought it was cause of my good looks." He said as I rolled my eyes. "I'm kidding." He told me. He looked at his watch than let out a sigh. "I have to go now." He told me.

"Can I at least get a kiss goodbye?" "You can get anything." He told me. I gave him a kiss and pulled back but he leaned forward keeping the kiss going. "You've got to go." I reminded him as he leaned down kissing my neck. "I can stay a bit longer." He said.

I stood up as he stared at me holding my waist. "Go before my dad comes and finds you in here." I told him. "I guess but I'll see you at the castle yeah?" He said as I gave him a nod as he stood up.

"Yes you will alright now go." I told him giving him one more kiss before opening the door seeing no one in here. "I will write to you alright just be careful." I told him. "I'll be waiting sunshine. Bye now." He said giving me one last kiss before walking out. I turned around turning the shower off and saw his hoodie on the counter.

"Wait you left-I turned around seeing nobody. He left that fast dang. I picked up his hoodie and walked out the bathroom shutting the door. I threw it on the bed as my door opened. "Dad wants you now." Harry told me. "Why is he so mad?" I shrugged my shoulders not even sure why he's mad.

"No clue why he's mad. I didn't do anything that I know of that pissed him off." I told him. "He's mad though." He said as i walked past him and downstairs with him following.

"Where is he?" I asked Harry as he pointed on the couch. "What if I just go back to the room and hide?" I whispered to Harry. "I'll hide with you." He said as I looked up at him as he smiled at me. "On the count of three?" "On the count of three." He said giving me a nod.




We turned around to run but got caught. "Where are you two going?" Lily said. "Harry said we have to run." I said pointing to Harry as he stared at me. "Your father is calling you Emery." She told me. "And Harry go sit down." She told him than turned around walking off.

He pushed me as I pushed him back. "Are you done throwing a fit?" Dad said acting like I was throwing a fit in the first place. "I wasn't throwing a fit. I told you I didn't care in the first place that's all." I told him sitting down.

"It obviously bothered you." He said. "No it didn't. I am perfectly fine dad it didn't bother me not at all." I told him. "But it obviously bothered-James she said it didn't bother her drop it." Euphemia told him. "See she gets it." I told him.

"She has a name." "Sorry. Mia gets it." I told him as he shook his head. "I'm I free to go now?" I asked him. "Yes you are." He said as I stood up. "If it's fine with it's you can I go to the room?" I asked him.

He let out a sigh. "Don't start that. Of course you can go to your room." Dad said. "Have you've heard from mom?" I asked him. "No why what happened?" "Nothing. Just asking." I told him.

"Don't put pressure on your hand remember that." Dad said. "Why not?" I asked. "Remember what the doctor said your not to put pressure or lift anything heavy it'll mess your hand up more." Dad said.

That's probably a lie right?

"I'll be in the room if you need me." I told him.


Emery walked up to her room as I shook my head. "I love her attitude." Willow said as I looked at her. "You love her attitude?" "Yeah. Harold here barely gives any attitude and sweet little Emery here don't care. The sass and all says she does what she wants and I live for it." Willow said.

"Your not going to like it when she gives you attitude." I told her. "What we're you two even arguing about?" "Nothing." I told her. "Secrets I see. Well whatever it is obviously bothered her." Willow said getting up walking off.

"She said it doesn't bother her." "She lied." Willow shouted back as I closed my eyes letting out a sigh.

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