Chapter 44

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I stared at myself in the mirror for some time looking at the marks and the scar on my shoulder and stomach.

Why can't I just remember I want to remember.

Ugh. I threw something which hit a empty glass cup causing it to fall over breaking. "Just great." My door barged opened as I looked seeing it was my dad. "You okay I heard glass break." He said. "Just broke some glass on accident that's all!" I told him as he gave me a nod.

"Why you mad?" He asked me. "I'm not mad!" I told him. "Your attitude says otherwise so what's wrong?" He asked. "I don't have a attitude-And I'm not old now what's wrong." He said as I sat down on my bed. "My stupid brain won't let me remember and I want to remember it I want to know what happened that night." I told him. 

"Your brain ain't stupid and it'll come to you." He said pulling his wand out cleaning up the glass. "Your just lying to me to make me feel better." I told him. "It'll come to you I promise and I'm not lying to you." He told me.

"Mhm sure and Sirius ain't a jerk." "Leave Sirius alone he hasn't done nothing to you and I'm not lying Emery when have I ever lied to you?" "My whole life was a lie dad. You literally kept me hidden without a care in the world while I was stuck with mom so you lied my whole life because you we're never working so taking advice from you is really hard to do because you lie. So yes your lying to me if I wanted someone to lie to me I would've just asked you too or I would've gone to mom." I snapped at him. I didn't mean too.

"It's going to be okay-Dad just stop okay just stop trying to parent me Jared was their more than you okay so just stop trying to parent me." I told him.

He let out a sigh. "I'll be downstairs if you need me." He said before closing my door. Ugh. I did it again I threw my pillow knocking over the glass dad just cleaned up or fixed one of them.

I hate myself so much. "Why you pushing dad away?" Harry asked poking his head through. "I'm not! Everyone just needs to stay out of my business." I told him. "We're only worried for you." "Well stop I don't need you to be worried about me." I told him.

"Emery why are you being like that your not-That type of person. Harry you've only known me for a couple of months so you barely know me stop trying to act like you known me my whole life." I told him as he stared at me. "Talk to me when your done being a bitch." He said shutting the door as I let out a groan. I don't want to be like this anymore.

I walked out my room grabbing my bag going to the kitchen to my dad. "Can I go into town?" "Sure let's-No I mean alone. I don't need a babysitter I'm just going into town." I told him. "I guess than be careful do you-i walked off out the door. I need to get away for a bit.

Being in their was making me go crazy. I'm so rude and I hate it. I remember Bellatrix using my own wand on me but other things happening I don't remember.


Emery walked out the house. "I'm I doing something wrong here?" I asked Lily. "No she's just her mothers child she is a Crouch after all. James what did you expect?" Sirius said.

"Emery ain't like them Sirius. You just haven't given her a chance you've just bullied her from the moment you've met her." I told him. "Your doing nothing wrong Emery is just going through a rough time right now and she's probably acting out because she wants her mom." Lily told me.

"Penelope ain't coming back till who knows when. But Emery hasn't ever acted like this before so her acting like this now is just so weird." "James she went through something traumatic and she doesn't know how to handle her emotions right now so her acting out is completely normal. But maybe try Minerva i know Emery is close with her."

Lily told me. "Your a genius Lily. I'll be back." I said kissing her cheek before leaving.

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