Chapter 79

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I walked out my office looking for Emery. Okay maybe I shouldn't have pushed her to sign it. "Where's Emery?" I asked Lily who looked at me letting out a sigh. "She ran into town for me." She told me.

"Lily she's grounded." I told her. "I know but I really needed something and the others were busy so I sent her she's grabbing what I need and coming straight back home." Lily told me as I let out a sigh.

"How long ago?" I asked her. "Well maybe ten minutes ago." She said as I nodded my head. "Call her when she gets back I need to talk to her about something." I told her as she gave me a nod.


Okay Emery has been gone for a couple hours now. She was suppose to run into town and come straight back.

"Harry!" He looked up at me. "If your dad comes looking for me tell him I went into town I forgot to tell Emery about something else." Harry gave me a nod and went back to talking to the kids as I grabbed my stuff and walked out the house.

I hope Emery is okay!


Emery sat on a bridge with a bottle of liquor in her hands. She had been sitting there for some hours now just drinking away trying to drown out everything she could.

She was tired of feeling her pain or hiding it. She was just hoping for someone to notice it and help her. It was starting to get dark now and less and less people would be able to find her.

Emery stood up wiping away the tears that fell. She stumbled a bit but stood up on the edge of the bridge. "Why don't I just end it all and l-let myself die?" She slurred talking to herself walking along the edge of the bridge.

"It'll put everyone out of there misery!" She talked to herself looking down at the water. "Maybe I am a disappointment who should've never been born and maybe I do believe that." Emery said almost slipping off the edge.

"I'm an abomination no one will ever want me!" Emery cried out.

Lily walked around town asking around for Emery hoping someone would see her and let her know.

She had been walking around for an hour searching for her. Lily soon saw her standing on the edge of the bridge. "Emery!" Lily shouted as Emery looked at her as Lily started running towards her trying to get up the hill to her. "It to late." Emery repeated.

"It's to late." Emery said letting her self fall back. "Emery!" Lily screamed as she got to the bridge looking over the edge not seeing her come back up. She threw her stuff down to the floor and jumped into.

Emery let her self sink.

Lily swam down to her pulling her up but she was already unconscious. She swam up to the top swimming to the land laying her on the ground.

"Come on Emery!" Lily mumbled to herself doing cpr. She'd stopped to check if she was breathing than continue cpr. "Somebody help me!" Lily screamed. "Somebody please help me!" Lily screamed still doing cpr.

"Come on Emery." Lily said.

James has been waiting for Lily and Emery come back home for an hour now and still nothing. "Okay I'm just gonna go get them." James said standing up. "No leave them there probably talking." Euphemia told her son.

"Or their in danger!" He said. "Or there talking don't you want Lily and Emery to have a bond with each other?" She told her son as he let out a sigh. "Fine but one more hour goes by and there not home I'm going for them!" James spoke as his mother and sister shook there heads.

Moments went by and that drove James crazy.

Lily apprated to the house soaked. Everyone looked at her confused on why she was soaking wet. "Lily what happened? Where's Emery?" James asked her as she was trying her hardest not to cry.

"Lily?" Marlene said. "I tried James! There doing everything they can for her." "There? Lily what happened?" James asked already panicking.

"Emery she kept saying it was to late and she was drinking." Lily said speaking fast. "Lily where is she?" James asked her. "At the hospital." Is all Lily said before James left. "James!" Lily called for him but he already left.

"Let's get your dried off dear-No I have to go back." "Lily your soaked your gonna get sick." Alice told her. "I don't care I have to get back to Emery." "Get changed than you can leave we'll keep the kids here." Euphemia told Lily as she rushed off.

James got to the hospital as he saw nurses rushing in and out a room, he was hoping it wasn't Emery's room.

He got to the front desk trying to stay calm. "Emery griffin." James said as the nurse looked at him. "Just have a seat for now sir." The nurse told him as he could only pray nothing serious was wrong with her.

"Please god let my baby be okay." James mumbled to himself. Lily came in and sat down next to him. "They say anything?" She asked as she was changed into a brand new pair of clothes and not her soaked one her hair was the only thing wet.

"No they just told me to sit down. Lily what happened?" James asked his wife. "I don't know I lied to you earlier I didn't send her into town. She asked to go so I let her and as time passed I got worried and went out searching for her.

I eventually found her standing on the edge of a bridge. She might've been drunk I saw a bottle in her hand she kept on saying it was to late and than she jumped and I jumped in and when I got to her she was already unconscious." Lily told him everything.

"For Emery Griffin?" A doctor walked out as James and Lily immediately stood up walking over to the doctor. "That's us!" Lily spoke up. "Your daughter hit her head pretty hard causing her to go unconscious. When she went underwater her body started shutting down seeing as she was unconscious she was unable to fight.

We did lose her but we got her back. She is stable and asleep right now. But we did do a medically induced coma so her body can heal. There was some lacerations on her wrist which seem old." The doctor told them as Lily grabbed James hand as he squeezed her hand.

"She will wake up on her own. But your daughter is depressed we have some good therapist for when she wakes up." "Can we see her?" James asked. "Yes I'll take you guys to her." He told them as they walked into a room.

"I'll give you guys some privacy." He said before walking out.


Emery looked so peaceful. Why didn't I notice the signs? Why didn't I notice my daughter was depressed?

I sat down beside her holding her hand. "She's okay James." Lily told me. "Thank you Lily for saving her." I told her. "Don't thank me James I'd save Emery anytime. She is like my daughter as well." She said. "Thank you." I told her.

I just want my little girl to be okay that's all I want.

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