Chapter 43

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I laid in bed all day yesterday mainly. I haven't heard or seen Alex come by which is good I guess I don't know.

I haven't heard much from mom since she dropped me off here. I walked downstairs for something to drink than back to the room. "Emery here you forgot this." Sirius said showing me my wand. I shook my head at him.

"Take your wand!" He said as I shook my head. "Take it." "No." I told him. "Just take it. It's your wand you'll need it midget." "No I don't need to take it you old hag." He groaned laying it on the counter.

"Take it!" "No." He groaned. "James tell your spawn to grab her wand." He said with a smirk. "Dad tell your friend to go shower because he's starting to look like Professor Snape with all that grease in his hair." He gasped.

"Take that back." He said pointing his finger at me. "No." I told him crossing my arms over my chest. "James get your spawn." "Leave her alone pads." Dad told him.

"How dare you take her side-Run along now Professor Snape." He gasped as he turned around walking off. I turned around facing my dad who was staring at me with a smile.


"I'm not a weirdo. It's just been some time since you insulted him." Dad said. "I insult him everyday ask Reggie." I told him turning back around going back to my room.


Wait Regulus she talks to Regulus. I walked over to Regulus who was reading a book on the couch. "Emery talks to you?" I asked him as he looked up at me.

"Every night before bed." He said likes its the most obvious thing in the world. "What does she say?" "Client privacy can't talk." He said. "She's my daughter!" "My client." He said as I rolled my eyes.

"She said she insults Sirius everyday-Oh yes we do it's very fun." He said cutting me off. "You two talk about me behind my back!" Sirius gasped as I rolled my eyes. "Indeed we do brother." He said flipping the page.

"That is rude." He grumbled sitting down. "So your not going to tell us what she's said to you?" "No." He said closing his book getting up. "Does she at least talk about that night?" "If she did I'd tell you James." He said walking away. I sat down letting out a sigh.

"She's so snappy." Marlene said. "That she is. Can't ask her a question without her getting mad." Lily said. Emery has been in a weird mood lately she's just mean to everyone in the house and not just to Sirius.


I walked upstairs to Emery's room knocking before entering. I walked in seeing her just sitting on her bed. "Hello beautiful."

I told her as she looked at me fighting back a smile. "My dad send you up here?" "What no never! My brother was getting annoying." I told her as she laughed a bit.

"He's always annoying. Is their a way we can sell him?" "I've been thinking of doing that." I told her making her smile. "How you feeling?" I asked her. "You ask me that every day and every day I give you the same answer I'm fine." She told me.

"Beautiful I know your not fine. So everyday I will keep asking till you answer me truthfully." I told her as she threw herself back on the bed letting out a sigh. "Why is everyone so worried if I'm fine or not. I'm fine I don't need people who's never been in my life worrying about me!" She said.


"I'm only looking out for you Emery. Come to me when your done being an ass." He said walking out slamming my door.

I didn't mean it like that. I let out a groan as I covered my head with a pillow forcing it down hoping it will kill my self.

I hate being such a bitch to people I care about. I was never like this, that stupid tournament messed me I hate being like this. I hate being so distant from my dad and from Harry I hate it so much.

I'm just so mean for no reason all of sudden and I hate it. I threw the pillow on the floor wiping away the tears that had fallen. I walked down to his room and knocked before entering but he wasn't in their. I walked downstairs wiping away the tears that had fallen.

I saw him on the couch. "I'm sorry." I told him as he ignored me as I walked in front of him taking the book from him. He looked up at me staring at me waiting for me to go on. "I'm sorry okay I didn't mean for it to come out like that okay I don't know why I snapped." I told him.

I sat down on the coffee table my arms covering my stomach. "I don't know why I'm like this and I hate it because I'm so mean to everyone and that's not like me and I hate it and I hate what happened that night." I told him trying to stop myself from crying.

"Are you ready to talk now?" He asked me as I nodded my head. "What happened that night Emery?" "I don't know exactly it was all a blur for me but I know it's just my brain not letting me remember and I hate myself for that." I told him.

"I remember getting to the cemetery and Cedric telling us to keep our wands ready and I wondered off I can't remember the rest." I told him. "Harry found you passed out bleeding. He did his best trying to bring you both back. Your injuries were so severe that they put you in a medically induced coma they healed what they could. And your hand what broken again like it got stepped on." He told me.

"Your brain ain't letting you remember because something so traumatic happened to you that you don't want to remember it." He said. "Bits and pieces will come to I'm sure have come already like with Alex being their." He told me as I looked down.

"I was just part of his plan." I said putting his book down biting the inside of my cheek. "Well he lost someone special, you deserve much more than Alex Salvatore." Regulus said as I smiled at him.

"Don't even bother to think about him he's in the past. Think about the present or the future how we're gonna prank Sirius later." Regulus said. "So get rid of all of his things and everything he's got you and start fresh Emery. You don't need him he's need you remember that." He told me.

"I can always hook you up with someone?" He suggested. "I'll keep that in mind." I told him as he smiled at me. "Who brought my belongings?" "The girls got it for you seeing as the boys didn't want to leave your side." He said.

"I say we put hair removal in Sirius hair." I suggested. "I vote that too." He said nodding his head. "Don't think to hard about it Emery it'll come to you." He told me as I stood up. "Where you going?" "Put the hair remover in his shampoo duh!" He laughed shaking his head.

"Have fun." He told me as I walked upstairs.

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