Chapter 82

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She left. I tried and failed if she doesn't want to be here anymore then so be it I'm done trying. "Where's Emery?" Lily asked. "I don't know she left." I told her.

"She left what do you mean she left?" Willow said. "She left." "Aren't you worried?" Dorcas said. "Yeah I'm worried but there's not much I can do for her especially if she doesn't want my help." "You gonna file a report?" My dad asked.

"No she wants to leave so let her Im not gonna keep doing this anymore." "James she's your daughter you can't give up on her!" Anya said. "I know she's my daughter and she will always be my daughter but I can't help her anymore." I told her.

"James, Penelope did the exact same thing-So you know already." I told him. "Penelope did it to get our parents attention James that's why she did it. You can't give up not on Emery." He told me. "Barty there's not much I can do anymore. Emery is done and I can't help her with that she has and always did have my attention so now it's time to just let her go." I told him standing up.

"Your really going to give up on your daughter? It's Emery we're talking about here James. The one you promised you'd never abandon-I'm not abandoning her Barty. She left she took off so don't you ever say I am abandoning her." I said.

"I've tried-Not hard enough!" He said standing up. "There's nothing else I can do!" I told him. "Yeah there is you can go find her and bring her back. Because under all of that is the Emery we all know and love. She's hurting James and she's not okay and by you giving up on her is just proving to her that everyone will leave her."

He told me. "I'm sorry Barty but I can't do nothing not anymore." I told him walking out.


So staying with Theo ain't that bad. I mean it's like staying over like when we we're little kids. I don't like it or hate it. We're free to do whatever we want I'm free to do whatever I want.

Maybe leaving wasn't that bad of an idea. I left so nobody can leave me and I can never get hurt again if i leave first.

"Alex is searching for you." Theo said sitting down beside me. "You two back together?" He asked me. "It's complicated right now." I said.

"What about you and Pansy? You two finally together?" I asked as he laughed. "Yeah we are thanks for helping me realize she likes me." He said as I smiled at him. "No problem." I mumbled resting my head on his shoulder.

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