Chapter 70

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I woke up and my dads dad by my side and Alex was still here. He didn't leave?

"Your up?" Fleurmont told me as I nodded my head. "Where's my dad?" I asked him. "He had to go do something." He said as I looked around seeing I was in my room.

"When did we get to the house?" I asked. "Yesterday." He told me. I looked at my arm seeing it in a cast again. Oh.

"When is my dad coming?" I asked. "Soon." He told me. I looked over at Alex who was asleep. "You had that boy worried sick over you." Fleurmont told me. "He refused to leave your side." He told me. "Lily had to force him to eat and sleep." I ran my fingers through his hair.

"I'm sorry for how I treated-I don't care, I don't need an apology. You made it clear that you'll never accept me and I'm fine with it. I'll just stick to the story my dad gave me. His parents died before I was born." I told him.

"I'll go get your dad." He said getting up walking out.

Alex looked up at me with a smile. "Hey." He said as I smiled at him. "Hey. Mind telling me what's going on?" I asked him. "You we're in coma for two weeks." He said as I gave him a nod.

"Your brothers?" "Downstairs with Harry and his friends." He told me as I gave him a nod. "Oh thank Merlin my baby is okay." My dad said rushing into the room giving me a hug.

"Are you okay, are you in pain?" He asked me as I shook my head. Just a small headache that's all. "I'm so happy your up." He told me kissing my cheek. "I'll give you two some room." Alex said as I gave him a nod and he walked out closing the door.

"Emery theirs something I must tell you." He told me. "What is it? Is Harry okay?" I asked as he gave me a nod. "He's fine, it's your mom." He told me.


"What about her? Is she okay?" She may be the worst mom but it doesn't mean I don't love her. "Your mom had an accident." He told me. "Was she hurt? Is she okay?" I asked sitting up trying to get out of bed as he sat me back down.

"Emery you mom didn't make it." He said.


"I'm so sorry." My dad said. I looked up at my dad as he stared at me. He wiped away the tear that fell. "I'm right here princess-Why does everyone keep dying on me? Pretty soon your next than Harry. Am I that annoying?" "Nobody is dying. Your not annoying you hear me. Your mom had an accident and died it was not your fault." He told me.


Emery was trying her hardest not to cry. I just want to take her far away from here and never let her out of my sight.

"What am I gonna do now? First I get kicked out of the castle now my mom? What do I do dad?" She asked me. "Your not getting kicked out. Dolores Umbridge was removed from the castle she won't be their no more and your mom left some instructions that you are to live him with me."

I told her. While Emery was in her coma we went to the ministry and reported Dolores. She's not to come near anywhere near my family which was barely a punishment for her she should be in Azkaban better yet dead for what she did to my princess.

Penelope died by the wand of her own brother. It was either Penelope kill Barty or Barty kill her si he killed her because she tried killing him.

Emery fell back asleep as I kissed her head, walking out. "How she take it?" Willow asked me. "Not well she blamed herself." I told her. "But it wasn't her fault she wasn't even their!" Willow said.

"I know." "Emery's dealt with a lot things growing up." Barty said. "Between James barely there." I looked down ashamed. "Between Penelope's and her husband and her idiot of husband didn't want Emery there so it effect her a lot. If I had known James was her dad at the time I would've brought her here. I know she would've been happier here than with Penelope." Barty said.

"She probably still would've went through what she's going through now." I told him. "Yeah but she'd wouldn't keep it in. I know Emery and if she's anything like Penelope she won't tell no one." Barty said.

"Well than what are we gonna do because Emery has a habit of doing that." I told him. "I don't know." He told me.

"It's your fault Harry!" We heard Emery. "I thought she was asleep?" Sirius asked as I walked in to the living room to see what's going on. "Emery what's wrong?" I asked her as she looked up at me.

"It's Harry's fault my arm is like this again." She said. "Emery no it's not." "Yes it is if he hadn't dragged me along with him my arm would've been fine! She kept asking why we were in her office and i didn't know why but she didn't listen to me." She said.

"I'm sorry Emery I didn't mean too." He told me her. "You ruined my life Harry since the moment I met you. All my life since I met you has been dangerous you were the cause of my arm breaking anyways and if you hadn't switched my wand with a fake one my arm wouldn't be like this and I would still be able to play quidditch!" She said.

"I was stupid than-Yeah you were! You ruined any chance I had in quidditch!" "Okay Emery how about we calm down okay?" I told her. "Of course your taking his side you always do!" She said.

"I'm not taking no side-Stop lying to me. We both know you are. Why couldn't mom just stay alive?" I wouldn't have to stay here!" She said. "You hated your mom." "No I didn't!" She said.

"Nervous breakdown?" Sirius whispered as regulus hit him in the side. "Let's just take a deep breath Yeah?" "What is a deep breath gonna do? Nothing it won't fix anything!" She said. "Want me to handle this?" Barty asked as I shook my head.

"I got this." I told him. "Emery." I stepped close to her as she swinger her cast at me as I stepped back. "I've got this."

Barty said walking past me over to Emery as she swung her arm as he caught it. "Stop it now!" He told her as tears formed in her eyes. "Barty?" "She's fine." He mumbled letting her arm go.

"Come on let's get you up to your room." He told her leading her upstairs. "Your gonna let him parent her?" My dad said. "Dad it's fine he's just helping her." I told him.

This will be a long summer.

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