Chapter 33

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I got ready to go to Hogsmead today with Cedric. Alex isn't able to go because of something I don't remember why so I'm going with Cedric than I'm going to shop for a bit while Cedric is on a date with Cho.

So I'm technically third wheeling towards the end of the date.

"Let's go." Cedric said dragging me down to the carriages. I see Cho waiting for Cedric already. "Hope you don't mind Emery is coming with.". Cedric told her as she stared at me. "Just to Hogsmead that's all I have some shopping to do." I assured her as she gave me a nod.

"Of course not. Let's go than." She said as we got in the carriage and it started to move. I wonder what pulls these carriages or if their just charmed to move.

I sat her quietly as they both talked. I'm glad he with someone who makes him happy he deserves to be happy. I'm glad she makes him happy.

After about twenty minutes we finally got to Hogsmead. Yay I can't wait. I immediately jumped off the carriage. "Be careful Emmy." Cedric said getting down helping Cho down. "Will do um I'll see you later bye love you." I said kissing his cheek before running off.

Don't want to intrude on their date any longer than I did. I want to get Alex something even if he declines it he's keeping it. It just doesn't feel right him getting me all sorts of gift while he doesn't get one back even when I try to give it to him he refuses to take it which cause Leo into taking it.

I walked into a shop for guys let's see what they have. It's mainly watches, chains, and cologne. "I think your in the wrong shop dear." An elder man told me. "No I'm just here shopping for my boyfriend." I told him as he gave me a nod.

"Let me know if you need help with anything." He told me as I gave him a nod. "Thank you." I told him as I started to look around. I can get him a chain since I took his.

I walked over to the chains looking for one. "Excuse me?" I called for the elder man. "Call El dear but what happened?" He said. "Do you have a chain exactly like this one?" I pulled his chain off handing it to him as he stared at it. He handed it back to me before walking off. Okay than.

I put it back on and just kept searching. "Here you go dear." El said handing me a chain exactly like mine. "Thank you I'll take it." I told him as he gave me a nod and rang it up at the register. I paid than left. I walked into a clothing store. I need a new coat I seem to lost my other one. I really loved that coat too my dad gave me it but I lost it and I hate that I lost it.

I found a brown coat and it was really pretty so I grabbed my size and got it. Once it was paid for I left. I walked into a jewelry store just looking I don't need nothing I reminded myself.

"Hello Emery." I heard as I looked and saw Regulus. "Hello Reggie it's nice to see you." I told him. "You too." He told me. "Are you here alone?" "Yes well sorta no I'm suppose to meet my brother but it seems he's running late as usual than I saw you so i decided to come say hi." He told me.

"Sirius is always late even for class." I told him as he laughed. "He can still never get on time." Regulus said shaking his head. Oh those are pretty earrings. I let out a sigh. "I must go now it was nice seeing you again Reggie." I told him. "It was very nice seeing you as well Emery." "Also how are things going between you and Alex?" He asked.

"Very good. I got him a gift I just hope he likes it. I really like him." I told him. "I'm happy for you. I won't keep you any longer. I will see you later Emery." He told me as I gave him a nod and waved bye to him before walking out.

What else can we do for the past hour. It's only been ten minutes and I'm bored. To the three broom sticks for some hot coco. I walked in going to back seat after ordering my hot coco.

The waitress said she'll bring it to me. I thanked her than took my seat. She brought my hot coco yes. "Thank you." I told her giving her a smile. "No problem dear let me know if theirs anything else you want." She told me as I gave her a nod. She walked off as I took a sip of my hot coco.

It burnt my tongue but it's so good. Someone sat down as I looked up seeing my dad. "Hi dad." I said as he grabbed a napkin leaning over wiping my mouth. "You had whip cream on you and hi princess what are you doing here alone?" He asked me. "I came with Cedric but he's on a date so I'm just waiting." I told him as he gave me a nod.

"How have you've been?" He asked me as I took a sip of my drink. "Good." "Is Alex treating you good?" Dad asked as I gave him a nod. "Yes he is dad he's a gentleman and very kind." I told him as he gave me a nod.

"I talked to your mom." He said. "What'd mom have to say?" "Nothing much we we're just going over your schedule for summer." He told me.


"And?" "One week your with me and the other your with your mom." He told me. "A whole week?" He nodded his head. "So how is school going?" He asked.

"Alright I've just been studying for the final task with Harry or Cedric sometimes I switch off between them both." I told him. "Are you nervous?" Dad asked as I nodded my head. "Yes we haven't figured out what the final task is yet and neither has Cedric." I told him. "Don't be everything will be alright I promise you." He told me.

We sat here talking till it was time for me to go. I stood up grabbing my stuff. "I have to go now dad-That's fine I will see you at the final task." Dad said as I smiled at him giving him a hug.

"I love you dad." I told him. "I love you princess." He said letting me go from the hug. "Bye now." I said rushing over to Cedric's table. "I'm going to head back to the castle now." I told him. "Okay do you want me-No you stay here with your date. I'm perfectly fine walking on my own. Cho I hope you have an amazing time. Bye pretty boy." I said before walking off.

I made my way to the carriages and got on than it left.

Once we got to the castle I rushed to the Slytherin common room. "Slow down their princess." Blaise told me. "Where's Alex?" "Dorm." I rushed up to their dorm opening the door seeing him laying down. I set the bags down before rushing over throwing myself on top of him.

"Hello to you too sweetheart." He said wrapping his arms around me. "I thought you were going with your brother?" "I did go but came back early he's on a date." I told him. "Oh I got you something and you can't turn it down." I told him getting off of him.

I walked over grabbing his bag walking back over handing it to him. "Sweetheart-Open it!" I told him as he did. He pulled the chain out as I smiled at him. "Exactly like mine." I told him as he smiled at me. "Do you like it?" "I love it don't worry." He told me kissing my cheek.

"It even has your initial like yours has mine." He told me. "Is that why you wanted me to keep it?" "Of course people gotta know who you belong to." He told me as I shook my head. "I'm tired now." I told him laying down next to him after taking my shoes off.

"Me too take a nap with me sweetheart." He told me. "I was going to even if you didn't ask." I told him as he pulled me closer to him pulling the blankets over us. "Where's your brothers?" "I have no clue probably out flirting with guys." He said.

"Their gay. I never knew that-Their not but I tease them all the time." He said as I shook my head laughing. "Your an ass." I told him. "Someone has to be but not towards you sweetheart." He said as I playfully rolled my eyes. "Oh how sweet." I told him.

"I know right." He said as I closed my eyes. "I love you." I told him. "I love you more." He told me. I'm to tired to argue with that right now.

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