Chapter 39

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Me and Harry wondered through this maze for what felt like hours. "Can we go back and forfeit?"I asked him for like the millionth time.

"No we are finishing this even if we don't win." He told me. I heard a scream as I looked at Harry who also heard it. "Come on we gotta walk faster."  He told me picking up the pace as I did the same.

Something flew past me as I let out a breath. "What-Duck Emery." Harry yelled as I did. Seems he's fighting with someone I'll let him handle it I'm to pretty to die.

"Are you going to help?" "I'm to pretty to die Harry and you said you got this." I told him as he laughed shaking his head. The fighting stopped as I saw Cedric. I stood up hugging him. "Thank you I love you so much." I told him as he laughed.

"I love you to come on now." He said as we started running. We we're turning left and right so many times so many to count. Well their goes Cedric he fell. I immediately helped him up as the maze shifted revealing the cup. We ran towards it.

"All of us?" I suggested. "He helped us Harry." I told him. "Fine yes all of us." He said as I smiled. "Count of three." Cedric said.




We all grabbed it as we landed hitting the ground. "Owe my back." I complained standing up. "Um where are we?" I asked as the boys got up. "This isn't the quidditch field." I told them.

"We noticed." Harry mumbled as I rolled my eyes at him. "Keep your wands up." Cedric said as I pulled my wand out of my boot. I started to walk around looking. We're obviously in a cemetery but why.

I bumped into someone. "I'm so sorr-Alex?" "What are you doing here?" He asked me. "I can be asking you the same question what are you doing here." I told him as he stayed quiet. "I'm sorry." He said as he dragged me back to where Harry was stuck up against a statue.

"Ced what's going on?" I asked. "Emery run." He yelled at me as Alex held me. "Alex let me go." I told him as he stayed quiet and held me still. I tried to get out of his grip. "Kill the extra." Someone said.

"What no you can't do that." I told them. A green light flew towards Cedric hitting him as a man appeared. "Alex let me go." I screamed at him trying to go to Cedric. He laid their on the floor not moving.

"I'm sorry I can't do that." He told me. "Alex let me go please." I told him as I felt tears fall. "I can't not yet." He told me. "Please-shut it you foolish girl." I looked and saw Voldemort alive.

"Bellatrix deal with her don't kill her just shut her up." "Give me her boy." She told him. "No don't this Alex." I told him as he ignored me as he let her take me from him. "Let me go." I told her as she held onto my arm tightly. I'm trying to get her arm off but i accidentally hit her in the face as she let my arm go.

"You filthy mudblood." She screamed as I ran off. I hit the top of my head on a statue stick but kept running. I think I cut myself open.

"Get back here." She screamed as I tripped over a damn stick. My side hurt bad. I went to get up but got kicked in my stomach. I laid flat on my back trying to catch my breath. "Which hand was it that you broke again?" She said.

She stepped on my hand that was broken. I let out a scream. "Stop please." I told her. "You hit me-I'm sorry I didn't mean but please stop." I begged her. "Let's have some fun for now." She said grabbing my wand from my hand.

"Crucio." She said it felt like tiny little knives stabbing me. I didn't give her the satisfaction of screaming so she did it again. This time I couldn't help but scream. It hurts so bad.

"Maybe this ought teach you a lesson." She said doing it over and over for what felt forever. "That's enough your going to kill her." Someone said as I closed my eyes feeling a tear fall.

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