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If there was only one case of poisoning or the breaking of the hand bead, Wei Yuan would have believed it if only one mastermind had been confessed, but now two masters have been interrogated one after another, both women from his backyard.

Wei Yuan's face became even more ugly, and he gestured to Wei Yong.

Wei Yong was startled, this was a torture method for the woman in the inner house to pry open the mouth of the traitor in the army. It was obvious that Wei Yuan was in a bad mood, so he didn't dare to talk too much, so he went to work in silence.

Wei Yuan again examined Danhua, Mrs. Li and Banzhi separately, found out from their mouths the servants who had been in contact with Danping and Mrs. Liu in recent days, and sent someone to call those people to question each one individually.

There was a hint of paleness in the sky, the night was gradually dispelled by the dawn, and the sky lit up little by little.

The candles that had not been extinguished all night dripped thick candle tears, and a few sheets of rice paper full of words on the table cast blurred light shadows. Wei Yuan stared at the various confessions recorded on the paper, his complexion difficult to distinguish.

Wei Yong also stayed with Wei Yuan all night without closing his eyes, but he didn't dare to doze off, for fear that his master who was in a bad mood would take revenge on him.

All the servants who should be asked have already finished asking, Wei Yong just stood aside and watched Wei Yuan sit on the grand teacher's chair with heavy eyes for a few quarters of an hour before he heard his hoarse voice.

"Wei Yong, go and call Mrs. Su and Mrs. Xiao Lin to Wanfuyuan, and then ask someone to inform the old lady."

Wei Yong was taken aback by this unceremonious address, but he participated in the whole process of review, so he probably can After piecing together the truth, he immediately reacted, and hurried to the door to find the little maid to bring a message.

Wei Yuan rubbed his aching forehead, pursed his thin lips tightly, and waited until the candle on the table burned out the last wick before getting up and striding towards Wanfu Yuan.

Wenyun Court almost tossed and tossed for half the night, and in the second half of the night Wei Yuan asked people to interrogate people, many of whom were from the courtyards of the Su family and the Xiao Lin family, and they naturally knew about the movements of Wen Yun Court.

After waking up in the morning, she found out that Qingdai's child was not kept, Su almost laughed out loud while rinsing her mouth, and then a servant girl came to deliver the message that Wei Yuan invited her to Mrs. Wei's yard.

Su's heart tightened, and she was a little nervous, but after thinking about it, she felt relieved. She had already made arrangements, and this shit pot could definitely be put on another bitch's head.

When Mrs. Su got dressed and brought her personal maid Shi Shiran to Wanfuyuan, she found that her nemesis Mrs. Xiao Lin was also there. She suddenly thought that the plot must have been completed, and Wei Yuan wanted to deal with her in front of everyone. , I couldn't help showing a hint of complacency.

The moment Xiao Lin saw her, she was also slightly surprised, and then recovered her natural smile, greeted her coquettishly and timidly as in the past, and tactfully said: "My sister was also called by Lord Hou. Su looked up at her ,

sneered in her heart that she didn't know that she was dying, and exchanged false greetings with her: "That's right, I don't know why the Marquis called us here so early in the morning. "

Madam Wei did not embarrass Mrs. Su today, and she was also puzzled why Wei Yuan gathered them together at dawn. Although this son crawled out of her belly, she has never been able to understand his thoughts.

When the three women were confused, Wei Yuan arrived.

He stepped into the hall wearing the morning sun, and the golden sunlight coated his tall and mighty figure with a layer of golden light. Coupled with his heroic face and solemn expression, he was as eye-catching and stern as a god of war descending from the sky.

Both Su Shi and Xiao Lin looked at this man who had been with them for many years with admiration in their eyes, but without exception, they received him with a cold and sharp look like a knife.

As soon as Wei Yuan entered the hall, he glanced at Mrs. Su and Mrs. Xiao Lin one by one. The two women's expressions were as usual, and there was a hint of joy at seeing her husband, without the slightest bit of guilt or uneasiness for murdering a little life.

"Master Hou." Mrs. Su and Mrs. Xiao Lin stood up from the embroidered stools, called out at the same time, and took turns asking for warmth.

Mrs. Wei also said: "Has Yuan'er eaten breakfast? I'll have someone bring it up..."

"No need." The man's thick voice interrupted the three women, and his sharp eyes scanned them all. In the circle, said in a deep voice: "I brought you here today because of Qingdai's miscarriage." As soon as the words

fell, the room fell silent, followed by Madam Wei's surprised voice, "Yuaner, you What did you say? Qing Dai accidentally dropped or lost the child in her own Wenyun Garden, how could anyone harm her?" She also learned about Qing Dai's miscarriage just now, although she felt sorry for her unborn grandson , but only when Qingdai is unlucky.

When Wei Yuan said this, he had been observing the expressions of Su Shi and Xiao Lin Shi, and saw that they both showed just the right amount of surprise, and their hearts became colder, and then they laughed at themselves, maybe they thought they had successfully framed each other.

Wei Yuan didn't make any excuses, but asked Wei Yong to bring Danping and Mrs. Liu up.

Mrs. Wei realized that something was wrong, and asked the idlers to leave first, leaving only a few servants by the master's side.

Danping and Mrs. Liu had already been tormented in a trance by the inhumane torture for a night. Wei Yuan answered whatever he asked, never hiding anything.

The complexions of Su and Xiaolin became more and more ugly, and when Wei Yuan threw a stack of confessions from servants in the mansion in front of them, pointing at Mama Huang and Yujin who were confessed to instruct Danping and Mrs. Liu, both of them were shocked. Nerves tense.

"What else do you want to say?" Wei Yuan stared at them with a pair of eagle eyes, and there was a deep complexity hidden under the coldness in the eyes. Although he came from a wealthy family, he joined the military camp early on. For the first time, he realized that the bloody swords, lights and swords in the inner house were actually more dangerous than those on the battlefield.

It's still Jiang Lao's hotness, Huang's mother reacted faster than the master, after seeing the confession that clearly presented when and where she had contact with Danping, and what she said, she felt a plop in her heart and knelt down with a plop. on the ground.

"Master Hou, it's because this old slave was confused for a while. He just thought that the eldest son of the concubine should not come out to deal with his wife first. He was deceived by fat and oil, and he actually had the courage to harm Lord Hou's heir..." Mama Huang beat her chest and stomped her feet. Phew, she was crying, and then she came to the main point, "This old slave is thinking of evil, and death is not a pity, but the lady doesn't know it at all, and the lady has a good nature. The old slave did this without telling the lady." Yes, I just hope that Master Hou will not blame Madam, this old servant will go down to serve the little master!" As he spoke, he stood up, and before everyone could react, he slammed headfirst into the thick pillar of the painted red carved beast. up.

Wei Yong was startled, and stretched out his hand to stop him, but Madam Huang castrated too hard, she still hit her head and bled, and the blood on her forehead couldn't stop bleeding.

At this time, Mrs. Su came back to her senses and understood the meaning of Mama Huang's move. She lowered her body and hugged Mama Huang's limp body, crying bitterly, "Mom, why are you so confused! He is the blood of Master Hou, so I will treat him like a parent and child, why are you bothering!" 

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