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Chapter 216: Full moon

Qingdai gave the child the baby name Zhuang Zhuang, and he lived up to his name, healthy and strong, and also very pleasing, he seldom cried, so it was very worry-free to raise.

After the baby was born, it grew up according to the wind, and its appearance changed every day. When it was first born, it was still a red and wrinkled little monkey. Now, after almost a month, it has been raised to be white and fat. The contours of the facial features also gradually opened up, and a handsome shadow gradually appeared between the eyebrows and eyes.

"Look, princess, the young master smiled when he saw you." The

nanny Fang finished feeding and carried Zhuang Zhuang to Qingdai's room. The baby said curiously.

Qing Dai leaned on the beauty's couch, took the swaddling baby from her arms, and embraced Zhuang Zhuang who smiled so much that his tender gums were exposed. The little body was soft and warm, and when it touched her chest, it bowed its head towards her, and the little hands like lotus root joints stretched out from the swaddling clothes, waving towards her as if to greet her.

Qing Dai's heart softened for a moment, she stretched out her fingers to poke his delicate face, held his little hand, and let him grab one of her fingers.

Tao Xiang leaned over, looked at the playful portrait of mother and child, and said with a smile: "Princess, the young master is really cute."

Qing Dai hugged Zhuang Zhuang for a while, and saw his eyelids gradually drooping, and he was furious. Yawning a little, she asked Fang to hug her to sleep, and then talked with Tao Xiang about the full moon banquet.

In a few days, she will be confinement, and it will be the time of the strong full moon.

She didn't plan to make a big deal, just invite some close people, such as the grandparents of Yu's mansion.

Although it was just a small banquet, it was the first time the princess's mansion held a banquet, and there were still a lot of preparations to be made.

After finalizing all the details, Qing Dai wanted to visit Zhuang Zhuang in the afternoon. Zhuang Zhuang and his nanny were placed in the east wing next to them. Before they reached the door of the wing, they heard a man's strong laughter and Zhuang Zhuang's "Yi Yi Ya Ya" from inside.

Qingdai stepped into the door, and as she expected, she saw a muscular man in black clothes standing in front of the shaker, who was carefully hugging Zhuang Zhuang wrapped in red swaddling clothes.

His arms are broad and strong, making the baby in his arms smaller and smaller, but his movements are light and soft, like a tall and strong black bear hugging a rabbit, with an indescribable sense of disobedience.

Seeing her coming, Wei Yuan felt a little uncomfortable, his wheat-colored face flushed slightly, he cleared his throat, walked to her side with the child in his arms, and looked at her tenderly, "His little arms and legs are so powerful! , in the future, I will take him to practice martial arts personally, and I will definitely be able to open up a world."

Qing Dai looked at Xiang Xiang, who couldn't understand their words at all, and was waving her arms vigorously, with an innocent and strong face, a little bit dumbfounded, "How old is he, you just miss him Look at these."

"Kung fu should be practiced from an early age." Wei Yuan spoke eloquently, looking at the infant baby with bright eyes, full of hope and care, really like his biological father's kindness.

Qing Dai ignored him, took the baby from his arms, took a handkerchief to wipe Zhuang Zhuang's saliva, "Zhuang Zhuang will be fine as long as he grows up healthy and happy."

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