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Chapter 2 name

    There was a gap in the open curtains, through which the morning sunlight leaked in, shining on the face of the sleeping person on the bed.

    The person wrapped in cicada chrysalis on the bed finally moved, slowly poked his head out from under the quilt, and touched the place next to him in a daze, but his hand was cold.

    Osamu Dazai suddenly woke up, and looked around blankly, but he didn't see the person he should have seen. Osamu Dazai got out of bed in a hurry, and ran out of the bedroom without shoes on.

    The sound of "Zizi" came from the kitchen.

    Dazai felt relieved when he heard this voice. A sudden chill came from the soles of his feet, and he realized belatedly that he ran down without wearing slippers.

    Osamu Dazai: Oh, pill

    Su Le wiped his hands when he heard the sound, and came out of the kitchen with breakfast. He raised his eyebrows and looked at Osamu Dazai, "Why did you come down without wearing shoes?" It was time to buy a carpet for the living room.

    It is rare for Dazai Zhi to feel guilty, but he still insisted, "Whoever told Su Le to wake up and not wake me up is Su Le's fault!"

    Su Le ignored Dazai Zhi's clamor, and put breakfast on the dining table on his own. "Go wash up and come down to have breakfast. You will be late for work later."

    "I don't want to go to work. I don't fit in with their single dogs. I will be at home today." Osamu Dazai jumped and said, "I want Watch Su Le, don't let Su Le look for that slug, Su Le, we don't care about that slug!"

    Su Le twitched the corner of his mouth, okay, now he's sure, Dazai Zhi secretly checked his phone again yesterday.

    Su Le sighed, "Don't call Mr. Zhongyuan like that. I just asked Mr. Zhongyuan to bring back the latest game from a business trip last time. Today I will bring a gift to thank him."

    Osamu Dazai puffed up his face and said compromised, " Then I want to go with Su Le, I don't want that slug to succeed."

    Su Le: I don't understand your brain circuit

    "Then you don't go to work today?" Su Le reminded.

    Osamu Dazai looked indifferent, "I believe Kunikida Doppo will understand me!"

    Kunikida Doppo: This is not the reason for you to skip work!

    As for when Osamu Dazai called to ask for leave, it was a flurry of nonsense.


    "Ding dong" Su Le politely rang the doorbell of Zhongya's house with a gift.

    "Let's just pry open the door, slugs can't hear the doorbell." Osamu Dazai was eager to move.

    Su Le suppressed Dazai Zhi with one hand, "Dazai Zhi, don't just pry into other people's doors, it's not good."

    "Oh, I heard the sound of this dead mackerel from a long distance away, Su Le, why did you bring him here? " Zhong Yuan Zhong also opened the door violently and said.

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