74: Magicism in the real world (2)

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Chapter 74 Magicism in the real world (2)

    For some reason, Su Le was invited to be a teacher again.

    Osamu Dazai lay on the table very puzzled: "Su Le, why do so many people want you to be a teacher?"

    Su Le also didn't understand, the last time I became a substitute teacher was because of someone else's entrustment. Then this time...why?

    Su Le didn't understand either.

    "Forget it, don't think about it, we'll know when the time comes." Osamu Dazai said slowly, "Where are we going this time?"

    Su Le glanced at the invitation letter, "Junior High School Affiliated to Lihai University in Kanagawa." "

    That's it." It's a great school." Osamu Dazai suddenly became interested.

    Although Su Le was puzzled about the school's purpose of hiring him as a teacher, he was still full of interest in this school.

    This is a great school.

    "I'm going to ask Kunikida for leave, and I'm going to accompany the class, otherwise Su Le would be pitiful alone." Osamu Dazai muttered.

    Before Su Le came to stop him, he watched Osamu Dazai call Kunikida Doppo's cell phone.


    Su Le had already anticipated the tragedy that would follow.

    He quietly walked away from here.

    Osamu Dazai put the phone to his ear, and said cheerfully, "Moshi Moshi, is this Kunikida? I'm Osamu Dazai, I'm calling to ask..." Fake.

    "What did you say? Please? Say it again!!!" Kunikida Doppo's roar came from the phone.

    Su Le could hear it from far away, not to mention Dazai Zhi who held the phone to his ear.

    At that time, do you want to bring back some soothing tablets for Kunikida Doppo...

    Su Le thought about the feasibility of this matter.

    Osamu Dazai is very confused now, very confused.

    Caught off guard, his ears were tortured by terror.

    He is in a trance now, who is he? Where is he? What did he do again?

    "So, Dazai, where are you going this time?" Kunikida Doppo on the other end of the phone managed to calm down.

    Osamu Dazai said in a daze, "Kanagawa..."

    "Why are you taking leave of absence in Kanagawa? Go back to work!"

    Before Dazai could respond, he hung up the phone.

    Osamu Dazai and the phone looked at each other.

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