Chapter 30

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The scent of roses mixed with the smell of blue ice cypress quickly calmed Chi Ning.

The red face gradually returned to normal, and the glands in the back of the neck faintly moved.

Much like growing pains, a sudden jerk.

Chu Shaochen held the back of his head, his little finger just touched his gland, and felt a slight agitation there that was caught off guard.

Move your hand down, and gently rub the skin around the gland with your fingertips to relieve his itching.

Chi Ning was so comfortable that he subconsciously let out a soft hum. When he realized it, his pupils widened, and his whole body fell into a strange feeling.

It's weird, but it's so comfortable.

How can there be a feeling of licking a cat?

Oh, he's the one who got jerked off.

Chi Ning's hands and feet were almost curled up, leaning against Chu Shaochen's arms quietly, his consciousness was light, as if he had fallen into a cloud.

Chu Shaochen observed Chi Ning's reaction, and his finger movements didn't stop until the sweet pheromone leaked out little by little.

It's hard to tell what the taste is, but he likes it very much.

Chi Ning grabbed Chu Shaochen's clothes with his fingers, and his voice became very soft, "Admiral, I, I think it's about the same."

Chu Shaochen asked, "Uncomfortable?"

There was clearly a bit of teasing and teasing in his tone.

Chi Ning hooked his clothes with his fingertips, closed his eyes, "No, but I think it's about the same."

It's not uncomfortable, it's too comfortable.

Chu Shaochen's fingertips were covered with a thin layer of calluses, not like his own hands, but he didn't know why, because of this roughness, it became indescribably comfortable.

Both the brain and the body can't bear the higher and higher thresholds, so they can only stop.

"Have you forgotten?"

"Did anything happen?"

Chi Ning smiled happily, and finally raised his head from Chu Shaochen's shoulder.

Too good, worthy of being the number one commander in the Federation.

He was named, anyway, from the current point of view, there is no one more handsome than Chu Shaochen.

He did a serious comparison.

Chu Shaochen finally withdrew his hand, intending to let Chi Ning relax, but this overly sweet pheromone is now known to be not a good thing.

Just as I was about to get up to get the covering agent, I finally caught a glimpse of the roses in full bloom in the flowerbed.

Rows of bamboo fences were covered with pink and white roses. With a thought, he reached out and picked one off. The pink and white petals were shiny and bright, and the yellow stamens were embedded in the middle.

"Wait a while, my friends, do you need me to accompany you?"

"If you have something to do, you don't need to be here, I know you don't like it."

Chu Shaochen is here, and the other people may feel uncomfortable, after all, he is the Federation Admiral, there is probably some distance.

In addition, Chu Shaochen is not a person who likes to deal with people. Last time at Tang Xi's place, he didn't talk much. If he didn't speak up last and promised to help Luo Yuan, he probably wouldn't speak up all night.

"But I'll bring you the grilled food." Chi Ning was talking, and was about to get off the swing when he let go of the rope, and a rose appeared in front of him.

He raised his head in astonishment, looked at Chu Shaochen, and then took it with a smile, "Is the general sending flowers to apologize?" "


Chu Shaochen shook his head, "I have already apologized just now."

Chi Ning carefully avoided the stem/body Chu Shaochen raised his face slightly, "What is that for?" Chu Shaochen

took his other hand and walked up to the bed, "Just because I want to send you off.

" Yan Chining was stunned, staring at the back of Chu Shaochen's head, his surprise gradually faded, replaced by joy, he bent his eyes, and clenched the rose in his hand.

He likes it for this reason.

It's more pleasant to send flowers because you want to than to send flowers because you're sorry.

Walking out of the flower garden holding hands, Chi Ning suddenly felt embarrassed when he saw Voss who had been observing him.

"Hello, Mr. Voss."

Chi Ning rushed to speak before the other party spoke, "I want to ask how long it will take for Xiaoxi and the others to arrive, and I want to prepare."

Voss felt relieved when he saw the two holding hands .

It is normal for young couples to quarrel, as long as they can reconcile.

"Should be soon, Master Ning, what do you want to prepare?"

Voss suddenly changed his words, and directly removed the name of Chi's family, "the kitchen has prepared a lot of fresh juice, and I heard that there are children, and some supplementary food has also been prepared." Complementary

food ?

What is this.

Chi Ning looked confused, what involved him was only a blind spot.

Looking at Chu Shaochen beside him, he found that Chu Shaochen didn't seem to know either.

Forget it, he doesn't need to understand what is for children.

"Then trouble you." Chi Ning thanked politely, "They will be happy, and I am also very happy."

Chu Shaochen rubbed his hair, "Then I'll go back to the study, and you can call me if you need anything." "

Later I'll bring you the baked things, I'm very good at grilling meat." Chi Ning said proudly, "It must be an eye-opener for you."

Chu Shaochen recalled the plate of vegetables that didn't know what flavor he had before. With reservations.

But seeing how excited Chi Ning was, I couldn't bear to extinguish his beautiful fantasy.

"Then I'll just wait and enjoy my food."

Chi Ning nodded heavily, "Yeah!"

He waved to Chu Shaochen and watched him go upstairs.

When he withdrew his hand, Chi Ning was stunned when he saw the rose in his hand, and realized later that he was actually holding the flowers and went around the house.

Will it be too showy?

I always feel that it is easy to get carried away and overturn.

Aren't those movie stars and entertainment stars all getting better and better.

Chi Ning stared at Qiangwei for a few seconds and decided to take the flowers back to the room.

"Mr. Worth, do you have a vase at home? I want one."

Worth laughed, "Yes, what kind does Master Ning like?" "

But if Master Ning doesn't know, you can go with me to pick one you like. ."

Hearing this, Chi Ning was surprised and said, "Could it be that there are many?"

There are usually a lot of decorative flowers at home, large and small vases can be seen everywhere, but it sounds like there are quite a few left unused.

"There are quite a few, Master Ning, please follow me."


When Chi Ning saw a row of vases on the cabinet in the room, he fell silent.

It all looks expensive.

But expensive is expensive, and it looks good.

After picking a vase for a while, I chose a vase that was most suitable for roses, quickly filled it with nutrient solution and water, took it to the room, and placed it in the most conspicuous position.

The first flower that Chu Shaochen gave him must of course be put away properly.

Holding the small scissors in his hand, Chi Ning carefully trimmed the few leaves, trying to recall the art of flower arrangement in the Omega course.

Thinking about it, with a shake of hand, the leaf cut a hole.

Chi Ning was silent for a few seconds before putting down the scissors.

Forget it, it's not for him.

The original taste is the best.

It means that Chu Shaochen treats him unadorned well.

I am planning to dig out my own book and continue reading the ending.

I stayed up late to read the book the day before yesterday. The protagonist in the book was too miserable. Although he was a top-level Omega and a top-level Alpha, he was considered a traitor to human beings and had to live a life of exile.

They made their homes all over the world and settled in wild places.

When human beings were dying, they finally remembered the couple who had been abandoned by them, and sent someone to invite them back.

Ask him to say, why go back?

He didn't have such a good heart, he died when he died, at worst, the top genes of these two people imitated the ones in the myth and gave birth to a litter.

Chi Ning was humming a little tune, and was in a very good mood. As soon as he opened the book, he heard the sound of a hovering car outside.

His eyes lit up, he ran to the window a few steps, looked out, and saw Tang Xi and Luo Yuan coming out with Tangtang.

When running out of the room, he did not forget to throw the books on the bed under the bed.


at the manor-like house in front of him, Tang Xi secretly marveled, sincerely happy for Chi Ning.

Finally get rid of the Chi family and start a new life.

That day in the shop, Chu Shaochen would ask to help, it was all because of Chi Ning, even Chi Ning, a young master from a wealthy family, could not care if he often went to and from the Seventh District, and could accept his friends, such an Alpha is too rare.

Although the population of Omega is much smaller than that of Alpha and Beta, people still regard Omega as a worthless existence.

The only value is to procreate and reproduce.

"Father, this is Brother Chi Ning's house?"

Tangtang held Luo Yuan's hand tightly, "Why didn't you see Brother Chi Ning?"

Luo Yuan paused, and was about to explain when he saw Chi Ning running out of the living room. Excited.

Seeing Chi Ning, Tang Xi and Tang Tang got excited and called his name in unison.

Luo Yuan let go of his hand and watched Tangtang run up to Chi Ning.

"Brother Chi Ning!"

The little girl was only two years old, slurred her speech, and ran up and down like a small ball, "Long time no see."

Hearing this, Chi Ning laughed and bent over to hold her face , "Long time no see, today is so beautiful."

"Thank you, it's the new clothes my father bought for me." Tangtang turned her head and pointed at Luo Yuan, "My father is really amazing."

After Chi Ning hugged Tang Xi, he looked To Luo Yuan.

He knew that Luo Yuan would not take his anger out on him. How could such a good Omega encounter such a thing? It's really unfair.

But Luo Yuan seems to have gotten rid of the past, and started a new life with Tangtang.

Chi Ning hesitated and shouted: "Senior."

"Yeah." Luo Yuan nodded, stepped forward and pinched Tangtang's face, "Would you mind if we come together?" "

No, the general is just a little We are busy, so we are afraid that we will be uncomfortable, so we are in the study." Chi Ning waved his hands and explained, "Don't misunderstand." Chi

Ning was afraid that they would misunderstand, so he hurriedly took them to the barbecue area in the garden.

There was a litter of rabbits in the garden, and a place was enclosed with a bamboo fence.

Someone cleans and feeds it every day, so it looks white and clean, and its fur looks particularly easy to knead.

Tangtang was immediately attracted to see it, and Voss asked Chi Ning, and then went to watch over it.

The children had something to play with, but the three of them were left around the barbecue grill to get busy on their own.

Barbecue, although it's troublesome for me, but other people feel that it lacks flavor.

"Since the last time, the black wolf still appears in District 7, is he causing trouble for you?" Chi Ning took a brush and brushed the chicken wings with sauce.

"Xiaoxi, how about you—"

Tang Xi heard Chi Ning's worry, and shook her head, "My parents left that house, and I won't leave, and the security in District 7 has improved a lot during this time. Chi

Ning nodded, and looked at Luo Yuan again.

Seeing him looking at himself, Luo Yuan explained: "Don't worry about us. Hei Lang should be a member of the police wanted list. He is currently taking refuge and will not show up easily. And the general's men are still nearby, so he dare not come After hearing this

, Chi Ning was completely relieved, and decided to roast some meat for Chu Shaochen in addition to the chicken wings.

Steak, pork belly, fish, chicken legs and lamb.

Come to a million points.

"Seeing that you and the general are so well together, I feel relieved." Tang Xi bit a piece of potato, "I heard that you were married by those rotten people, and I was super worried about you, for fear that the other party was unreasonable. And the violent and vicious Alpha."

In the gossip news, there were too many marriages between the unlucky Omega and each playing each other, which led Tang Xi to think that Chi Ning was sent to the fire pit.

If it weren't for Chi Ning's protective attitude towards Chu Shaochen, he wouldn't have believed it.

Anyway, Alpha is a group of rough guys who only use violence to solve problems, or hypocritical guys who rely on Alpha's innate advantages.

"Actually, the general's reputation outside seems to be that of a cold and cruel character." Thinking of those comments, Chi Ning felt aggrieved for Chu Shaochen.

How can you not be ruthless in war?

That's not sticking your neck out and waiting to be slaughtered.

As for indifference and inhumanity, it is due to personality, thousands of people have thousands of faces, and there is no law that stipulates that everyone should be a social cow.

"As the core figure of the fleet, the admiral is very respected." Luo Yuan handed the non-spicy rice cake to Tangtang, and took off the stick to avoid hurting her.

"Of course, the prestige is very high."

Chi Ning blinked, excitedly said: "The general is very powerful, you don't know that when he was training people yesterday, he looked like that, he was very fierce."

Tang Xi looked puzzled , "Then aren't you afraid? Alpha can cut your neck with one hand, not to mention he is still a top Alpha."

Tang Xi couldn't understand why many Omegas yearned to fall in love with Alpha. In his opinion, it was entirely the effect of pheromones. .

There is no way, there is an inherent attraction between Alpha and Omega that cannot be ignored.

The attractiveness dominated by pheromones will be affected once they meet the pheromones that one likes.

"But the general isn't mean to me."

Chi Ning subconsciously retorted, "He just looks stern on the outside." He just

cared a little about Chu Shaochen's image in the eyes of outsiders, but in front of his friends, he hoped that they would Can see another side of Chu Shaochen.

Luo Yuan next to him looked at the two of them, and wiped his mouth for Tangtang, "The general is very gentle to you and attaches great importance to you."

Now Tang Xi and Chi Ning both looked at him.

Suddenly he felt uncomfortable, he had never been in a relationship, and Tangtang was a not-so-good accident, but luckily he was exactly like him.

The father in the biological sense does not inherit much genes.

"What's wrong? Did I say something wrong?"

Chi Ning quickly waved his hand, "No, it's just that I suddenly felt that the senior was very good, and his professional grades were also very good."

After speaking, Chi Ning was startled, thinking that Luo Yuan did not graduate in the end, just disappeared.

With regret in his eyes, he looked at him in bewilderment.


Luo Yuan smiled, "It's nothing, I don't care about it myself, I just want to work now and raise Tangtang."

Seeing this, Tang Xi hurried out to ease the embarrassment.

"However, I'm curious. Why did the general propose marriage to the Chi family? Logically speaking, there are many families with emperor stars that are stronger than the Chi family, and there are also many Omegas of the right age." Hearing this, Chi Ning was taken aback, but he did

n't How did you think about this problem.

At first, they were forced to marry each other, but later they found out that Chu Shaochen was not bad, and among the marriage partners, he must be an Alpha who is one in a million.

So, how did Chu Shaochen choose him?

It is a bit reluctant to say that it is for pheromone matching, after all, he is a low-level Omega who cannot release pheromones.

"I don't know about this." Chi Ning said with a guilty conscience, "Probably because he thinks the Chi family has potential."

Liar, the Chi family has no potential.

Potential to go to prison is almost the same.

Before he didn't ask him, he didn't think about it, but now he wants to know why Chu Shaochen chose him.

"This may be fate, you two are destined to be together." Luo Yuan explained aloud, "The two of you may not have thought of being together at the beginning, but it took a long time to realize that it was that one thing that destined you to be together." Together."

Chi Ning looked blank, "It's so profound, but the general and I—"

It's not wrong that he and Chu Shaochen are spouses, and it's not wrong that they are AO partners, but they are different.

People's AO still needs to be marked, but they don't have any.

Chi Ning suddenly realized that there was a lot of distance between him and Chu Shaochen, not only because Chi's family was full of illegals, but also because he couldn't be marked.

The glands are not fully grown, how to mark them?

Tang Xi saw that Chi Ning had something on his mind, and shouted worriedly: "Ning Ning?"

"Don't think too much, the general must like you, otherwise why would he be willing to lend a helping hand to us? It stands to reason that he should not interfere in many things . "

All levels of the federal government perform their own duties, and the well water does not violate the river water.

Chu Shaochen has crossed the line by interfering in the security of District Seven. If it weren't for his high position and special status, he would probably have caused some people's dissatisfaction, and he wouldn't even do superficial efforts.

"It's okay, I was wondering if these are ready, I'll give them to him when they're ready." Chi Ning smiled indifferently, "Eat first, I'll come back as soon as I go, it's rare for you to come, we must play more."

He has almost no friends, except for Tang Xi, Luo Yuan is the second.

If Kashu, Jos and Vos are willing to be his friends, it seems that there will be a lot.

Tang Xi pouted, "I know, I know, you are a married Omega now, unlike us, go and feed your Alpha."

Luo Yuan next to him smiled, and looked at Tangtang who was playing with the rabbit, and Voss was beside him with a very friendly attitude.

After he left school, he stayed outside alone for more than three years.

The first year was the hardest, because the single Omega was pregnant, and it was dangerous no matter where he went, but he also encountered kindness.

The owner of the black clinic, the owner of the street bakery, the old couple who took him in, and Tang Xi and Chi Ning.

Looking at Chi Ning's back holding the plate, his eyes fell on his glands, his eyes were dim.

It's no secret that Chi Ning is a low-level omega. After all, there are very few omega born in the Chi family, even if it's a daughter, it doesn't matter if she is an omega, but a male Omega is a great shame to the Chi family.

From the moment he split up to the present, the Chi family's attitude towards him was undoubtedly killing people.

As long as Chi Ning is weaker, I am afraid that he will not live until now.

"Brother Luo Yuan, what's the matter with you?"

"It's nothing."

Tang Xi didn't think too much, and concentrated on eating the barbecue, and teasing Tangtang from time to time.

Chi Ning, who was carrying a large plate of meat and vegetables upstairs, stood at the door of the study, and when he reached out to knock on the door, he suddenly withdrew his hand.

Seeing someone going upstairs, he came back to his senses and knocked on the door quickly.

The familiar word "come in" came from inside, Chi Ning pushed the door open with his knee, and found Chu Shaochen looking up at him.

"Admiral, I won't disturb you, right?"

"No, I just finished my work."

Chu Shaochen closed the document in his hand, planning to read it at night.

He got up and walked to the door, took a large plate of food from Chi Ning, raised his eyebrows, "You baked it all?"

Chi Ning suppressed the ignorance in his heart, nodded, "It's all baked for you, I'm afraid you're too tired from work."

Chu Shaochen tickled the corners of his lips, walked to the side and sat down, "You are one person, and should be well received by customers."

Chi Ning pouted, "You mean that you will be well received by customers." A bad review from the boss."

"Not too stupid."

"Why do you like to turn a corner and call me stupid?"

Chi Ning followed Chu Shaochen to the table, sat down and looked at the study.

He only came once, that was when he was busy saving Tang Xi, but in the end it was Chu Shaochen who came forward to clean up the black wolf.

Chu Shaochen picked up a bunch of the best-looking ones, tasted them, and was slightly pleasantly surprised.

Chi Ning noticed the change in his expression and looked proud, "I told you, I'm pretty good at barbecue. I thought before that if Chi's family really kicked me out, Xiaoxi and I would open a barbecue shop together and sell books during the day." , Selling barbecue at night."

He made a fortune in minutes and set up his own business.

Chu Shaochen swallowed the food in his mouth, and quite agreed, "It's a good idea, very smart." "

Looking at your expression, I believe you are sincere." Chi Ning rolled his eyes, and the question in his heart came to his mouth Swallowed it back again.

He really couldn't ask why Chu Shaochen chose to marry him.

Forget it, it's all registered anyway, the process is not important.

"General, I put the flowers you gave me in my room."

"I like it very much?"


"I'll give it to you again in the future."

"Who would give a notice before giving something, so it's not a surprise."

Chi Ning watched Chu Shaochen quickly finish half of the dish, and suddenly Thinking of something, he tentatively asked: "Admiral, do you want to go down with us? My illness is already cured, and I can spend more time with my friends. Tangtang also likes me very much." Hearing this, Chu Shaochen took out a tissue to

wipe He pursed his lips and looked at him seriously, "Will that bother you?" "


Chi Ning replied seriously, "You are my Alpha, they are my friends, no."

Chu Shaochen laughed, "Then let's go, I'll take a look at your barbecue skills."

The doting tone is full of liking for Chi Ning.

Chi Ning's ears felt hot, and his heart also felt hot. He smelled his own pheromone inexplicably, but frowned.

so sweet.

Glancing at Chu Shaochen, it was obvious that he also smelled his own pheromone.

Inexplicably filled with shame, Chi Ning coughed and picked up the plate, "Then let's go down quickly, I think Tangtang is so cute, she likes those rabbits very much." "I can

give her one, but two It's better."


"With company."

Hearing this, Chi Ning's eyes were slightly startled, and he found that Chu Shaochen had already moved forward, so he hurriedly followed without even thinking about holding his hand.

"The general will not be alone, there is me."

Chu Shaochen looked at him in surprise, feeling embarrassed for a moment.

"There are also Voss, Joss and Kaxiu, Marshal Rules!"

Chu Shaochen laughed helplessly, but held Chi Ning's hand instead.

Chi Ning just wanted to quickly change the subject, "Admiral, come back to Chi's house in two days, can you go with me? That way you can rest assured." "Why did you

suddenly change your mind?"

"Because... I thought Show off."

Chi Ning said slyly: "A top Alpha is so kind to me, and is willing to go home with me, send flowers to make me happy, the Chi family is so jealous when they see it."

Drama O became sweeter after marrying the top AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now