Chapter 48

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When he arrived at the bookstore, Tangtang was tired from crying and was curled up on the small sofa and fell asleep.

When Tang Xi saw the message, she immediately came out of the cubicle and opened the door, and kept quiet for fear of waking Tangtang up. As soon as the door opened, seeing Chi Ning couldn't help but turn red eyes.

Self-blame and annoyance made Tang Xi feel sad. If he had contacted Luo Yuan earlier and found out that something was wrong earlier, Chi Ning and Chu Shaochen would have been able to help earlier.

In that case, Luo Yuan might have been found by now.

"Ning Ning, I—"

"It's not your fault, brother Luo Yuan is an adult, no matter how special we are, we can't stay together 24 hours a day, don't blame yourself."

Chi Ning didn't even hear him finish, he knew What is he sad about.

"But I didn't find anything wrong."

Tang Xi blamed herself, "If I had found out earlier, Brother Luo Yuan wouldn't have heard from him until now." "It will be fine

, everyone is looking for him, he certainly won't Something's up."

Chi Ning repeated, not knowing whether he was comforting Tang Xi or reassuring himself.

If something happens to Luo Yuan again, even if his life is not in danger, it may become his shadow, especially the glands.

The regeneration function of the gland is actually very strong. As long as there is still a third of it left, it can grow slowly, and it can be destroyed to the point of being removed directly. He has no way to imagine what it will be like.

Even if you can imagine, there is no way to truly empathize.

"Ningning, who do you think Brother Luo Yuan was taken away by, and why did he take him away? He doesn't have glands, and it's even impossible to search for clues by relying on pheromone."

If the glands are normal, there may be residual pheromones in the air in a short period of time in the places you have been, and you can rely on this for clue investigation.

Chi Ning's heart felt cold, and he looked at Chu Shaochen next to him, feeling chills all over his body, with uncontrollable sadness overflowing.

Chu Shaochen met his eyes, walked to his side, and reached out to caress the back of his neck, calming him silently.

Chi Ning's pheromone test results are not stable, which is caused by the sudden rapid development of the glands, but - the

pheromones currently detected by Chi Ning can reach the highest level A, that is to say, in the future it will be at least A Grade Omega.

The three of them stayed in the bookstore in silence, when suddenly Tangtang's crying came from the cubicle, the little girl's voice was not loud, she couldn't even cry, it sounded pitiful and distressed.

Tang Xi stood up at the first time, but he was shaken and almost fell. Chi Ning let him sit and walked to the cubicle by himself.

I don't know if it was a nightmare and was woken up by fright. Tangtang sat on the bed with the blankets piled aside, crying until tears fell, and she couldn't wipe away her tears no matter how much she raised her round hands.

"Little brother..."

"Dad is gone, did something happen to him? He won't want me, so something must have happened, right?"

Chi Ning took a deep breath, his heart was about to twitch.

Walked over and hugged Tangtang together with the blanket, "Why did he abandon you? He ran into something outside, so he will come back late." "

But why didn't you answer the phone? Brother Xiaoxi called a lot." "

Probably There is no signal, you know, the optical brain signal here is not stable, it will cut off from time to time, don't you also have it while watching TV?"

Tangtang's tears were still falling, and it didn't get better after listening to it.

She is still young, but she has always been smart. Chi Ning's lame words can't even fool him, so how could he fool others.

But she still nodded, threw herself into Chi Ning's arms and whispered: "Then I'll wait here for Dad to come back, and he will be very happy to see me."

Chi Ning's nose was sour, and with a "huh", he carried her out compartment.

Tang Xi wiped her face and it didn't look that bad, but her eyes were also red, and she cried only when she saw it.

"Uncle Chu..."

Tangtang couldn't help crying when she saw Chu Shaochen, but changed her usual address and called him solemnly, "Uncle Chu, when will Dad come back?"

Chu Shaochen is not good at Get along with children, let alone white lies.

But looking at Chi Ning's eyes and the trust in Tangtang's eyes, he knelt down and held the little girl's hand, "Soon, I assure you." "I know you are a very

powerful uncle, then I believe in you, Dad is reluctant to part with me, and will definitely come back soon."

The little girl was very beautiful, except for a little yellow hair, she was raised no worse than those children born in noble families.

Crying pear blossoms with rain, but still sensible and enduring, it's hard not to make people feel distressed.

Chi Ning gently shook his legs, trying to lull her to sleep, but found it was completely useless, Tangtang, who was leaning against his arms, was not at all sleepy, and stared straight at the door.

Chu Shaochen's brain kept getting news, except for the occasional footsteps, the bookstore was so quiet for the first time.

It was past twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, three hours since Luo Yuan lost contact.

Chu Shaochen looked at the message, his eyes lit up, and he turned to look at Chi Ning, "The person has been found, it's Zhou Ran's side."

"Let's go there now."

Chi Ning stood up holding Tangtang, "Xiaoxi, you stay and guard the store, go to bed early, and I'll send you a message if something happens."

Tangtang in his arms rubbed his eyes and asked in a low voice: "Are you going to see Dad?"

Chi Ning nodded, before he could speak, he realized that Chu Shaochen's expression was not right, his whole body froze in place, as if a basin of cold water had been poured on him.

Respiratory stagnation, accompanied by dizziness in the brain.

"Chi Ning!" Chu Shaochen grasped his forearm, and took Tangtang over, "It's not what you think, the situation is a bit complicated, let's go first." The situation is complicated


Did that bastard Chi Mingye do something else?

Three hours, this time can do anything.

He knew that the Chi family was not a good thing, how could it be possible to produce good bamboo shoots when they came out of a nest.

Tangtang lay on Chu Shaochen's shoulders, she didn't quite understand what they meant, but knowing that she could see her father, she finally had a smile on her face.

"Go to see Dad, finally I can see Dad."

Tang Xi also wanted to go along, but the store couldn't be empty, and he was scared all night, fearing that going would cause trouble, so he sent the three of them to the door.

"Then send me a message when you arrive, or I won't dare to sleep." "

Well, go in quickly, and remember to close the door." Chi Ning waved his hand, got into the car and closed the door, watched Tang Xi go in, and then Let Chu Shaochen start the car.

Not a while after getting in the car, Tangtang leaned against her and fell asleep.

Chi Ning looked at Chu Shaochen, and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong? Is it Luo Yuange——" "

The situation is not very good. Bai Chen is checking him up. Fortunately, there is no skin trauma, which ruled out a second injury. "

Chu Shaochen suppressed his voice, "but Bai Chen said, it might be trauma."

"Trauma means—"

Chi Ning said silently, and was stunned for a moment. Sexual stress sequelae, is it similar to this?"

"Well, it can be understood as a shadow, and similar scenes or reappearances will highly stimulate him."

Chu Shaochen nodded, "But he is still in a coma, and Zhou Ran is watching by the side "

That bastard Chi Mingye dared to use this method.

He is really an outlaw lunatic, he doesn't pay attention to the laws of Emperor Star at all, and dares to do anything.

At night, no matter how prosperous the urban area will be, it will fall into silence.

The fleet base is far from the city center, and the closer it is, the faster the speed. It only took more than 20 minutes to arrive at the base.

Chi Ning picked up Tangtang and got out of the car. Chu Shaochen looked at Chi Ning's anxious look and didn't care about the location of the car. He handed it to Qiao Si who was waiting here, and immediately chased after him.

Step by step, I followed behind to protect, for fear that one big and one small would fall to the ground.

The office building of the base hospital is a separate area, and there is a guard at the entrance to register. Fortunately, Chu Shaochen followed, and he directly swiped his card to enter, saving even the registration.

They took the elevator to the inpatient department on the third floor, and Jos, who had caught up, took them to the ward.

"Little brother, run slowly, don't fall." Tangtang knew that she would see her father soon, her mood improved a lot, and she was not so anxious, "It hurts a lot." Chi Ning hugged her leg with one

hand , protecting her neck with the other hand. Hearing these words, my heart softened, "I won't fall. If I fall, Uncle Chu will follow us. Let's go see your father first." "Dad won't run away, he will

definitely When I go to see him, don't worry, be careful." Tangtang touched Chi Ning's face, "Are you cold? I'll cover you." Hearing that Chi Ning pursed his lips, his eyes were hot

, I don't know if it was blown by the wind or what, it looks like it's about to cry.

Chu Shaochen stretched out his arms to embrace him from behind, "Be careful of your feet, don't fall."

Chi Ning nodded, watching Qiao Si in front of him stop, knocked on the door of the ward, and followed him to the door without delay.

The person who opened the door inside was Bai Chen. When he saw them coming, he was taken aback for a moment, and then his eyes fell on Tangtang in Chi Ning's arms.

At this glance, except for the child who didn't understand, the other three people didn't understand.

Chi Ning took a look into the room, the incandescent lamp made the room very pale, and he could see the person guarding the bed.

"Doctor Bai..."

Chi Ning had a premonition that he didn't want, and Tangtang couldn't ask clearly because Tangtang was there, but his eyes were full of nervousness.

Chu Shaochen put his hand on his shoulder, pressed it lightly, and walked into the room first.

"The environment in the ward is special, please wait a moment."

Even though it is not a special ward, this is the only excuse that can fool Tangtang.

She winked at Bai Chen, and Bai Chen immediately responded, "Chi Ning, you and the kid wait."

"Okay." Chi Ning nodded, retreated to the corridor outside the ward, and sat on the bench with Tangtang in his arms, with Josie standing beside him.

"What's the situation now? You haven't woken up yet?"

"He's awake, but his mental strength is very unstable, and he has serious traumatic sequelae."

Bai Chen looked at Chu Shaochen and glanced out, "This child Is it his fault, right? I guessed the general situation, his glands are not complete, so he lost part of his self-repair function, and his mental power is very fragile." "What does it have to do with the child?" Chu Shaochen frowned


seeing Bai Chen looked into his eyes, and suddenly thought of something, "You mean, after seeing the child, he is likely to remember his previous experience?" "

Yes, I don't know what Chi Mingye did to him, but the person is indeed Shen Che. According to the clues given by the side, when Zhou Ran found him, he was in a room, tied to a chair, with no external injuries, and only minor wounds on his hands and feet." Bai Chen sighed, "

Shen Che is actually a friendly army? Unexpectedly, I thought he was really a traitor and mixed up with those inconspicuous members of the Chi family." "

Now is not the time to talk about this, but—"

Chu Shaochen glanced out, Chi Ning was coaxing Tangtang, his tone Very gentle, "What about the child? At her age, she is very dependent on adults."

Too young.

Chu Shaochen is a top-level Alpha, and it is true that he has memories of before the age of three, but there is really nothing worth recalling.

In my impression, Chu Yan still depended on him, and Chu Yan took good care of him, so he didn't need the company of his parents at all.

But Tangtang is different, at a very young age, all the memories in her life that just started are related to Luo Yuan.

"But this is my preliminary judgment based on his current symptoms. I'm not 100% sure whether it will appear in this little girl." Bai Chen couldn't help

seeing Chu Shaochen and Chi Ning's concern for this child. Sigh.

The incident about Chi Mingfang made the whole Emperor Star know about it, and the other dudes who were identified also made a fuss one after another.

As soon as the incident came out, he became the target of the Dixing public.

"You know, Chi Ning and the Chi family—"

"It's not because of the Chi family that he treats them well. You should know his character."

To be a friend is to trust 100% and treat them unconditionally, because he Get two-way emotional pay.

Furthermore, as a victim, Luo Yuan received preferential treatment, which is understandable.

"That's right, then bring the child in now, but as a doctor, I want to remind you that once the patient shows any stress reaction, you must take the child away immediately, otherwise his mental strength will be greatly damaged, and he will not be able to recover." Reply."

"I know."

Chu Shaochen signaled Bai Chen to enter the room, turned around and walked out of the hallway, just as he was outside the door, Chi Ning raised his head to look at him.

I am still a person who has not grown up yet, and now I am so good at protecting other people's children.

He couldn't help thinking that if he and Chi Ning had children in the future, then Chi Ning would be a very popular father for the children.

Chi Ning asked hesitantly: "Can we go in?"

Chu Shaochen nodded, and at the same time stretched out his hand, "Let me hug you. Don't your hands feel sore after hugging you all the way?"

Tangtang seemed to understand, she woke up after a night of sleep, feeling much better, "Okay, Uncle Chu hug me!"

Seeing this, Chi Ning didn't insist, and let Chu Shaochen hug Tangtang.

There is heating in the ward, which is much warmer than the temperature outside. When Chi Ning walked in and saw Luo Yuan lying on the bed, his nervousness and uneasiness gradually disappeared.

It is good that people are still alive, and no trauma means that they have not been abused, at least it can mean that they have not experienced the previous things again.

When Zhou Ran heard them coming in, he looked up and did not let go of Luo Yuan's hand, "Admiral." "

Yes." Chu Shaochen responded, looked at Bai Chen, and waited for Luo Yuan's response.

Chi Ning stood beside him, stepped forward and said softly, "Brother Luo Yuan, do you feel better now?"

Even if he wasn't a doctor, he would feel something was wrong when he saw Luo Yuan now. He looked lifeless, like A dying tree.

Traumatic sequelae, is this the reason?

How to treat it?

"Father! That's great. I finally saw you. I knew that Uncle Chu and little brother wouldn't lie. You didn't want me!"

Tangtang yelled sweetly, and was about to go to the hospital bed with her arms open. Going up, I was still a little dissatisfied at being hugged, "Uncle Chu, I'm going to accompany Dad, can you let me go?" "

Tangtang, Dad is not feeling well, so don't disturb him." "

But Uncle Zhou is holding Dad's hand ." Hand, I want it too, I used to coax my father when he was sick, you all don't understand, I know my father best."

Zhou Ran's breathing became short, his face changed, and he looked very painful.


"Why is Dad ignoring me..."

Chi Ning paused as he patted his back, and looked up at Chu Shaochen in a panic, meeting Chu Shaochen's meaningful eyes, his pupils widened.

Before he could react, Luo Yuan, who had been sitting quietly on the bed, suddenly frowned, looked at Tangtang who opened his arms to be hugged by him, and his eyes became sharp.

"Go away! Take her away, I don't want to see her!"

"Take her away quickly, I don't want to see her at all, get out of here!"

The voice was sharp and piercing, and he covered his ears with his hands, struggling desperately. The indwelling needle was torn off directly.

Bai Chen immediately stepped forward to hold him down, "Chu Shaochen, take the child out."

Zhou Ran was suddenly freed, stunned and regained his composure, and quickly grabbed his arm to prevent him from hurting himself.

"General, take Tangtang out first, and wait until he is stable."

"I don't want to see her! Go, you all go, all of you!"

Luo Yuan shouted almost hysterically, his eyes were red, but he didn't I was crying, my eyes became empty, only bottomless fear.

Chi Ning stared at him blankly by the bed, as if seeing another person, he couldn't believe that Luo Yuan, who is usually gentle and funny, would become like this.

It's like a volcano that has been stagnant for a long time, erupting suddenly, and all emotions drown everything in an instant.

Tangtang was so frightened by the sudden change that she burst into tears, but she didn't dare to cry, so she could only hug Chu Shaochen's neck and cry out of breath.

The ward became suffocating in an instant, Chi Ning came back to his senses, he couldn't think of anything else, and pulled Chu Shaochen out.

"Let's go out first, wait for Brother Luo Yuan to feel better, we..."

As he spoke, he started to cry for some reason.

The moment he closed the ward, he saw Zhou Ran hugging Luo Yuan, his expression became more painful than when he first came in, and Bai Chen next to him put the indwelling needle on Luo Yuan again.

Everything is messed up.

There was no one in the corridor at this time, and only a few wards were still lit, which seemed extraordinarily quiet, and the slightest movement was obvious.

Sitting on the bench, Chi Ning didn't know how things turned out like this. He looked at Tangtang helplessly, and when he met Chu Shaochen's eyes, his eyes were helpless.

He grew up in Chi's family, even though he read many books that were not allowed to read, he was still the young master who was raised at home.

No matter how clever he was, he couldn't deal with it, let alone think of a way.

"Tangtang, don't cry, okay? You go home with Uncle Chu and me to rest, and we will visit your father again in two days. He is just in a bad mood." The comforting words were too pale, even he didn't want

to believe.

"Daddy doesn't want me anymore, little brother, daddy really doesn't want me anymore..." Tangtang raised her head, blushing from crying, "What's wrong with Daddy? He likes me, he won't dislike me, right? Are you sick?"

"Yes, I'm sick, I'm afraid that you're worried, so I drive you away, it's always played like this on TV, because he loves you very much, so he's afraid of hurting you, that's why." Chi Ning seemed to have

caught The life-saving straw kept repeating, for fear that Tangtang would not believe it, "So let's go home and have a good rest, and we will come back when he recovers. The doctor here is our friend, so we can trust him." "Really

? "

"I won't lie to you, your father is sick, so he needs a good rest, and there must be a doctor here."

Tangtang raised her hand to wipe her tears, and the corners of her mouth curled up in sadness, "Why can Uncle Zhou stay with Dad that day?

" Uncle Zhou is an adult, he can help, and when Tangtang grows up, he can also accompany him." Seeing that he was finally coaxed, Chi Ning winked at Chu Shaochen.

Chu Shaochen didn't say a word, he couldn't make it up by himself.

Seeing this, Chu Shaochen stood up holding the person, and stretched out his hand to hold Chi Ning, "Sick people will be taken care of by doctors in the hospital, and Zhou Ran will accompany them. They will be fine. If we don't go back to sleep, we will also get sick. "

As soon as he heard about being sick, the child immediately became nervous, "I don't want to be sick. If I am sick, it will cause trouble for Dad." "

Then shall we go back now?" " Where are we going


Grandpa Si, there are swings and flowers, and there is a puppy at home. Dad can't take care of you during this time, so you can live with us, okay?" "Okay,

then when will we come to see Dad?"

"Next time. "

When is the next time?"

"I'll tell you when you wake up tomorrow morning."

Coaxing the child into the car, without crying, Chi Ning finally remembered to send Tang Xi a message on the way home.

After posting, I was so exhausted that I couldn't keep my eyes open when I got home, even more sleepy than Tangtang looked at.

Voss watched them all night and saw them coming back with Tangtang. Although he didn't ask anything, he probably guessed that something was wrong with Luo Yuan.

"Little brother, can I sleep with you tonight? Tomorrow I will try my best to learn to sleep alone, but today—" As soon as he entered the door,

Tangtang grabbed Chi Ning's clothes and refused to let go.

Chu Shaochen next to him was stunned, and looked at Chi Ning.

One big and one small stared at him, Chi Ning was sleepy and tired, unable to think at all, bent down to pick up Tangtang, and walked straight to the room.

"Well, you sleep with us, tomorrow you have to learn to sleep alone, okay?"

"Okay, I'll try my best."

After getting the answer she wanted, Tangtang answered obediently.

"Okay, let's talk about tomorrow. Let's go to sleep, are you sleepy?" "

Then let's go to sleep, little brother, can you tell me a story tomorrow? I will go to bed by myself after telling the story." Chu

Shaochen Standing at the stairs, raised his eyebrows and stared at Chi Ning and Tangtang who were walking upstairs, angry and funny, he shook his head helplessly.

He didn't expect that he would lose the right to choose to sleep with Chi Ning when he came back with the younger one.

Voss walked over and said worriedly: "Admiral, do you need to tidy up another room for Tangtang? There is no experienced person at home, do you want to invite one over temporarily?" "Well, you arrange things, she probably

needs Staying at home for a while, still young, Chi Ning will start school in a while, it is impossible to accompany her all the time, experienced and clean background, please investigate and invite." Hearing this, Voss nodded and replied: "Don't worry, the general

. , I will pay attention when selecting candidates."

"Also pay attention to diet, as well as safety issues."


Chu Shaochen didn't think about other things for the time being. Looking at the time, it was already past three o'clock in the morning.

"It's late, let's go to rest. I will go to the base early tomorrow morning and let them sleep more."

After explaining things, Chu Shaochen went upstairs and returned to his room.

Pushing the door lightly, without even turning on the overhead light, when I entered, I saw Chi Ning and Tangtang tidy up casually, and fell on the quilt.

Stepping forward to pick up the two of them and stuffing them under the quilt, Chu Shaochen lowered his head and kissed Chi Ning's forehead, and then lay down on the other side of the bed after a simple wash.

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