[45] MUTE 2 - JULY 1 2023

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A/N: sequel to [44] Mute

Jungkook and Jimin are very happy in their relationship.

Jungkook still had no idea about Jimin's state and decides to ask the boy. He was curious on whether the condition was reversible. He definitely wanted to hear Jimin's voice - he imagined it as sweet, matching the boy's looks and personality

Jimin's face darkened when Jungkook asked him about it

I'm not mute by birth if that's what you wanted to know. I don't want to talk about this. I just don't want to. I hope you will never bring up this topic again - Jimin signs before getting up and walking away from his husband

Jungkook was definitely hurt - doesn't he trust me to share one of the most serious incidents to occur in his life

But he knew Jimin would open up when he was comfortable.


Jungkook was a quick learner but that doesn't mean he mastered the sign language completely - he would get lost if you were to gesture very fast

Jungkook had just gotten home from work and he saw Taehyung, Jimin's best friend on the balcony with Jimin

"Did you tell Jungkook about your voice yet?" Taehyung asks concerned

Jungkook didn't mean to eavesdrop but he could clearly see them from the living room and yes, he wanted to know about his husband

Jimin's face changed and Jungkook was upset seeing Jimin upset. He could see that Jimin was clearly angry as he started gesturing very fast. Taehyung got angry too - he also gestured back fast. Jungkook understood nothing.

Taehyung turns to leave when he spotted Jungkook

"Hey... I was just leaving .."

Jungkook was only focused on the boy who looked back at him with tears

Taehyung sighs as he left the two alone

"Baby... you okay?" Jungkook asks drawing closer to Jimin but the boy just sobbed which broke Jungkook's heart. Jimin was someone who couldn't handle a fight - Jungkook knew Jimin was hurt for hurting his best friend

Jungkook tried to console the boy but Jimin wouldn't calm down - Taehyung's words made him upset

You can't continue keeping Jungkook in the dark - Taehyung gestures - he really loves and cares for you. If he didn't himself ask, I wouldn't insist so much in telling him... please... you need him as much as he needs you .. I miss your beautiful voice Jiminah

Why don't you understand that I can't tell him?! The very thought of the incident and surgery is haunting me. I can't do it Tae. I thought you knew that. Why is everyone wanting to know about this?! I can't speak! End of story! Why can't people accept that?!

Jimin couldn't stop sobbing and Jungkook kept patting his back saying soothing words till the boy fell asleep in his arms


Jimin got sick the next day, he was having nightmares and Jungkook witnessed it all. Jungkook took leave and stayed to take care of the boy but he couldn't bring a smile back to the boy's face and so he decides to talk to Taehyung about this. It's been 2 days and Jungkook couldn't take it anymore. Seeing Jimin emotionless, hurt

He didn't want to ask anyone except from Jimin but seeing the boy upset, Jungkook had to know what happened- atleast a tiny part of it

Taehyung was reluctant as it was not his story to tell and he didn't want Jimin to be upset with him more. Jungkook tears up

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