[93] ENGAGED - DEC 24 2023

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Jimin couldn't help but blush whenever he thought of his fiance Jungkook. The man though cold and expressionless seemed perfect to the boy.


They had been engaged since the day Jimin was born and Jungkook was 10 years old. It was a verbal agreement between the two families. Jungkook's mom and grandfather wanted it and now who was Mrs Park, her best friend to deny it. They all wanted to turn their friendship into a relationship.

"From now on Jimin is your responsibility okay? You will love and cherish him, protect him from all evil..." Jungkook's family told the 10 year old as Jimin's mom handed him the baby "...he is yours"

Jungkook smiles at the cute baby in his arms "...of course I will protect him with my life..."

True to his word, Jungkook always protected the boy. And ever since Jimin was young, Jimin was told Jungkook was his and the small boy developed feelings for the elder boy. Jungkook was always the perfect friend/protector/confidant as the boy grew up. Jimin never hid anything from Jungkook and the man clearly enjoyed Jimin's presence but that didn't last long.

Jungkook never showed any emotions ever since Jimin was hit with puberty. He always kept a safe distance and spoke coldly to the boy - over concerned with the boy's health and safety. Still, Jimin appreciated any time he got to spend with the man.


Jimin was 18 when the families officially asked the two to get engaged. Jimin had high expectations of the ceremony, he was a hopeless romantic afterall, but Jungkook didn't even look at him nor talk to him and that deeply hurt the boy. Yet Jimin forgave him because he understood the man often kept to himself. All that mattered to Jimin now was that they were officially engaged. That alone made him happy, atleast for now.

That happiness didn't last long though. They had dates scheduled by Jungkook during the weekends and it was always Jimin who talked while the man just humed as they ate. Jimin started to feel like maybe the man didn't love him back. Jimin was upset the whole drive home. Jimin had found a romantic spot near the restaurant to take couple pictures and Jungkook discouraged it, urging the boy to hurry as he had some works to do

Jimin is silent when Jungkook drops him home. Jimin lived alone in an off campus apartment

"Let me walk you to ..." Jungkook stops talking seeing Jimin turn to face him

Jimin just looked at the man with so much sadness that Jungkook just had to ask

"What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"Oh you can actually show concern?" Jimin asks genuinely half surprised with a hint of sarcasm

Jungkook frowns before shaking his head "I don't have time for childish jokes. You need to rest..."

Jimin's eyes tear up "...do you ... do you even love me?"

Jungkook looks at the boy and something in him aches but he doesn't react

Jimin lets out a wet chuckle as he looks away before looking back at the man

"So you are being forced to marry me?"

Jungkook continues staring at the boy

"I don't want to marry someone who doesn't love me... I want to marry someone I love and someone who loves me back... if there is no love between us... I think it's best to break off the engagement..." Jimin said between his tears before running off to his apartment

Jungkook watches the boy, sighing before getting back in his car


Jungkook is surprised when Jimin's best friend Taehyung calls him. It was nearly midnight

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