[96]BE MY QUEEN - JAN 2 2024

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Jungkook's eyes wandered over the crowd that had gathered for his party. It was a mafia get together - all families coming over to see the proclaimed mafia king. Jungkook was waiting for one person.

"Sir... he has arrived..." his team informs him making Jungkook grin before walking down towards the party


Jungkook smiles when he sees the boy he craved to see for years

"It is lovely seeing you again"

The boy turns around surprised to hear that voice again




Jungkook and Jimin were very close throughout high-school. They are both from mafia families but they didn't let the other know. Jungkook left to Seoul for family business training (mafia) and Jimin left to take care of his grandpa in Daegu. Jimin was never interested in the mafia world but his grandpa wished for it so he started training too. They both didn't keep in touch because of their trainings. Jungkook missed Jimin and he searched about the boy but was surprised to find that they were rivals. Jungkook always kept a watch on the boy, even if not directly, just to know if Jimin was okay. Jungkook was determined to one day make Jimin his


The two had now walked over to a more secluded area at the party

Jimin couldn't take his eyes off the man. He hadn't seen Jungkook in two years of his training. He was never interested in who the king was but because of his grandfather he came to respect the mafia community. His grandfather wanted him to rule the mafia world

"I heard the Park Mafia wants their son to challenge the mafia king..." Jungkook jokes "...you are gonna fight me Mr Park?"

Jimin's smile drops at that

"..... I could never fight against you... would never want to..."

"And why is that?" Jungkook asks leaning forward

"There can only be one mafia King..."

"Yea so why don't you fight me?" Jungkook asks, his hot breath fanning Jimin's face

"....I can't do that to you...if I knew you were the king... I would have never come here..." Jimin says before turning to walk again

"There can only be only one king ... but there can be a mafia queen as well... will you be my queen ... we will rule the world together"

Jimin turns around angry at that "Queen huh... you think of me as weak Mr Jeon?"

Jimin twists Jungkook's hand behind him, making the man chuckle

"Never... you were never weak..."

Jungkook untwists the hold on him, flipping Jimin to the wall

"You are not weak... but you are my weakness... I loved you then... I have loved you ever since... I still love you..." Jimin's heart picks up pace "...be mine... if you tell me to let go of this world... I can't... because it would mean my death... but if you are with me.... then I can survive against all odds"

A tear drops Jimin's cheek "I love you too and I would love to be your queen"

The end

A/N: fast but isn't that how all my stories are. I hope you guys are doing okay. 

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