[131] FORCED DIVORCE - MAR 13 2024

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"Jimin... this is Jungkook... your future husband..." Mrs Park says making Jimin's eyes widen

Jimin's parents had forced him to go along with them to a restaurant saying that they were going to meet an old friend of theirs. Jimin didn't want to go but he has always been an obedient kid and went along with them.

Jungkook smiles at the boy who still couldn't digest what had just happened

"Thank you Jimin... I was kind of nervous that you might not agree..." Jimin looks at the man "...you are fine with this right?..."

"Of course Jimin is okay with the marriage..." Mrs Park interrupts "...he knows we mean the best for him..."

Jungkook smiles at her and the family go about discussing the marriage while Jimin stayed quiet. Mrs Park had said before that Jimin was the shy type so Jungkook just chose to watch Jimin occasionally - its not like Jungkook had any other choice, Jimin didn't look like he wanted to talk and Mrs Park didn't want the two to talk either


Jungkook had enquired about the boy after his mom brought him the proposal and having heard about the boy's achievements and his overall nature, Jungkook agrees to marry him, of course it didn't hurt that Jimin was really easy on the eyes. Jungkook also knew of Jimin during his childhood days, they used to hang out as kids and Jungkook remember that Jimin was a cute playful full of life kid.


Jungkook tried his best to make the marriage work but marriage doesn't work with just one person trying their hardest - as they say it takes two to tango. Jungkook was patient enough and he could see Jimin was slowly being more comfortable with him. But how much longer could Jungkook remain patient?


Jungkook takes Jimin out on dates whenever they both could make time. Jungkook would try holding Jimin's hand while driving and it made Jimin's heart flutter but he didn't show forth his emotions

"You should focus on the road" Jimin says trying to take back his hand but Jungkook's grip on his hand tightens

"I can multi task..."

Jungkook is loving towards Jimin but because of years of being suppressed by family who had called him immature and annoying for his bubbly nature, Jimin now finds it hard to open up and be the person he is supposed to be


Jungkook was mostly the one making the effort, for example Jungkook surprised Jimin on his birthday with things that Jimin loved but the boy just thanked him and left for his work. Even on Jungkook's birthday, he was the one who decorated the house and cooked dinner to spend with his beautiful husband but Jimin having completely forgotten about Jungkook's birthday, just wishes the man when he sees the decorations


It's not like Jimin completely ignores Jungkook or takes him for granted, in the course of their one year of marriage Jimin has taking care of Jungkook when he has gotten sick or helped him with office works or anything around the house, always thanked Jungkook for anything the man did for him but they never had an intimate date or romantic moment or just talked to each other openly. Often Jungkook thinks that they have a chance for a healthy relationship because Jimin was caring towards him but it all comes crashing down when there are missed celebrations or dates

Jimin is always quiet though he tries to do his role as a good husband,Jungkook can see Jimin isn't happy. Jungkook feels like Jimin is just doing his responsibility as Jungkook's husband. Jimin never puts an effort to anything, not even their anniversary and Jungkook has enough.

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