Ch. 12 - Woe is Woodwork, Part 1

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Ajax's POV

All night, I had dreams about Wednesday. She was lying in a bed of vipers. She was so beautiful. I look up and can see Kent stoning peeling away, he should be unfrozen in an hour or two. I put my arms under his armpits and drag him to his bed, so when he wakes up, he will think he was just asleep. When someone is stoned by a gorgon, they are put into a state of cryogenesis. They don't age, they don't think, and they don't need to eat.

Ajax's phone pings with a text. It is Xavier. Dude, I hope you are ready for the Poe Cup. I know Kent will not be any help, since he won't go against Bianca. Meet me for breakfast.

And because Kent is still frozen. I text back, meet you in 20.

As, I walk to the cafeteria, everyone is running around, some with paint, or wood, and one guy had an ax. Each year competes in their own race, with a team of 5. My team is pretty chill. We just want to participate and have fun, and if we win, then we do. My friends all come to the table and we plan which poem to do, and how to build our canoe. I look out the cafeteria window, and I see Enid, running past, dragging Wednesday behind her.

"I don't know why everyone tries so hard, Bianca has won every race for our class, "says Xavier.

"Yeah I know Enid is freaking out. Let's just have fun alright guys," says Ajax. "I am going to the library, to see which poem, we should base our boat on."  

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