Ch. 10 - Family Conflicts

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"He was killed and no one told me."

"Why would you need to know?"

"I was Amara's friend first you know. I have not forgiven her, but you could have at least told me."

Daphne hears the commotion and runs in.

"This is not the time for all this Ajax!"

"If not now when? Why do you not want us to go over there unless you are involved?" The room goes quiet, and everyone looks at Ajax in shock.

Daphne says, "Young Masters please stop."

"You know what fuck you, I am done with this. Do whatever you want." Alecto says ands walks back up the stairs to his room.

"Your brother would never be involved with such a thing, especially not without Castor or myself knowing." Says Daphne.

"Then why is everything some big secret. He makes him look shady."

"Because he did not want to hurt you little master. He was happy that you chose to spend your vacation here in Greece. He was really hoping to mend your relationship."

"That will not happen until he stops being short with me. I have never not tell any of them how I felt, or what I needed. It is the others that close themselves off from me, not the other way around."

He grabs Wednesday by the hand and takes her back to his room.

"If you brought me up here to complain about him, do not even start." Says Wednesday. "I am not going to tell you that you were in the wrong for saying that about your brother. If you were not my mate, I would have also accused him of being involved."

Ajax calms downs. And walks up to her. "Thank you. I had to hear that." He wraps his hand around her face affectionately.

"So what do you want to do next?"

"I want to go the Kouris home, and see if we can get the visions to see who kidnapped Timon."

"You know we are going to have to sneak out of here to get there right, if your brother or guards find out they will stop you." Says Wednesday.

"That is not a problem, we brought the perfect distraction."

He looks up at Wednesday and smiles.

They knock on a door, and it opens.

"Yeah guys."

Wednesday says "Enid we need your help."

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