Ch. 22 - Stabbed by A Thorne

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Ajax's POV

There is only one person, I want to go to the dance with, and she won't want to go the dance at all. I finish the third gorgon book, and move on the fourth, which is the copy of a journal of my great grandmother. There is a note written on the front, from Alecto. "Ajax this journal, was written by great grandmother, who like you met her mate." My eyes widen at this. I spend all night reading though it, and it was very informative. I get a text from Xavier.

"Dude you won't believe, who asked me to the Rave'N."

This better not go where, I think it is going.

"It was Wednesday." I put down my phone before I crush it in my hands. I feel the transforming come though more. My tongue splitting in half this time. That is new, this time. Another text comes though.

"She only asked me, because she thought I was the beast." But I was still mad. My gorgon features was not disappearing. I disguise myself, in a hat, hoodie, and sunglasses.

I go to the library and make copies of the mate journal. I have been sitting on the side lines for too long, with trying to start a relationship with Wednesday. It is time I play center. I sneak into the Ophelia door, and head straight to Wednesday's and Enid's dorm. I knock on the door, and it opens. I look inside, and Wednesday is standing across the room. I pull down my hoodie.

"We have a lot to talk about."

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