Ch.57 - Training Montage

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Ajax's POV

I need to practice transforming. If I want to protect Wednesday, I will need to be able to control my powers better. Complete gorgons have a list of powers: They can age a lot slower than humans.

They are able to completely stone and unstone their victims.

Their snakes project a variety of poisons. That are able to paralyze or kill people.

They are able to change their snake to normal hair, and see through their snake eyes. The snakes can detach from their head and works as spies, since we can talk to them almost telepathically.

And the last is harden their skin to almost stone like.

The morning after my and Wednesdays night together I put some rat traps out, so I can have something to practice with.

I find 3 large rats, and a squirrel inside.

The easiest way to transform is lust or anger. I think about my night Wednesday and my blood starts pumping. And I start transforming, but not enough. So I think about something that would make me mad. I think about Wednesday leaving me and going with Xavier or Tyler, and I transform a lot more.

I start with the easy ability, which is to make my snakes bigger. I focus and try to imagine my snakes bigger. It takes like 5 minutes, and they go grow to about 3 inches long. If they were hair it would be longer then Xavier. I flex the ability and change their length. For the next ability I keep them longer.

Next, I try to work on the poison of my snakes' venom, and how far they can spit it. I focus only on one snake to begin. I focus on it until its' venom is spilling out. I make it stretch out, and bite one of the rats. The rats start twitching as it passes out, but it is still alive. I can probably ask Wednesday some facts about snake poison. I repeat on each snake. An hour later I have done about 20 of them, when I hear the door open.

"Hello... who is it." I text Wednesday, to see if she found out I was out here. I do not get a reply or hear a phone go off. I walk closer to the door, with my hat off. I stretch out my snakes to protect me.

I walk outside and look everywhere see no one. My snakes do not see anyone. "Above you." I look up and the see the Hyde. It jumps down, and swipes at me. I duck, and roll out the way. The Hyde stands up, but does not look at my snakes while attacking me. It keeps attacking me. I misstep and it scratches my arm, and I fall to the ground. It goes do dig it claws in me, but I roll over. I stretch out my snakes, and they bite the Hyde on the closest leg. If I can make it move faster the poison will flood it bloodstream. I stand up. The Hyde keeps attacking, and I keep dodging, and injecting it with poison. After a while, the Hyde gets groggy. It forgets not look at me, so I use my snakes two stone it. More of it gets stoned this time. I run back to the school, and run to Wednesday's room.

I knock quietly at her door. Enid answers the door.

"Ajax why are you at our door?"

"Where is Wednesday?"

"She is in her bed."

He pushes past her. And goes to Wednesday's bed. "Wednesday!" He pushes the sheets over, and Wednesday is not in bed, bur Thing is still in his bed.

"They took her. Thornhill and Tyler took her."

(10 more Chapters till the Finale.)

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