Ch. 13 - On the Way

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The next day, Wednesday and Ajax goes outside and get in the car with Castor.

"They only live 30 miles away."

Castor starts driving to the Kouris' home.

Castor starts talking.

"When we get there I need you two to stay in front of me, the entire time."

"Why." Says Wednesday.

"Just in case someone tries something." He takes something out of his pocket, and hands it to Wednesday.

"This is potion, what it is for."

"If you get in trouble, use this to get yourself, and the master out of here. Even though you powers are minimal right now, it is enough to activate it."

Wednesday looks at the potion in her hand, with astonishment, wondering how long it would take her to get to the level of magical ability to make items like this.

Wednesday's Pov

It only takes a half hour with no traffic to get to the Kouris Mansion. When we arrive, it is to a huge gate, with ornate creatures decorating them.

Castor drives to the security gate, and after speaking to the family, they let us in.

We drive down a stoned road, the decoration completely different from my own families. Lush, colorful plants, and topiaries litter the yard. Is this what Ajax's ex is like? We come to a roundabout and in the center is a gargoyle statue. My mom would love to have something like this on the grounds.

Ajax sees me staring at it.

"This statue looks so lifelike. Is this outcast?"

"This is Orthos. The Kouris family guardian. At night he comes alive, and scours the grounds." I look at this gargoyle and it looks nothing like a human outside of its siloute. But it has huge wings, with sharpened claws.

In the Nightshade library I read a book on full Outcast transformations. Throughout the life of an Outcast, you can either grow or lose your abilities. My mom never did anything to strengthen her visions, so they faded. But this gargoyle like Ajax, started with a fully human looking body. But as Ajax matures, more of his Gorgon abilities grows. Tyler's Hyde is not a great example. His Hyde's strength came from a forced transformation of trauma. So while his powers grew to the point where he could control his transformation, and keeps his memories, he was still under the control of Laurel, so how far he developed them where up to her.

It seems that the Outcast society in Greece is heads above the one in the United States. Is this what it means to be an outcast in Greece? I considered myself to be ahead of everyone else, but I cannot even control my visions. Even Rowan could control his powers enough to lift me off the ground. Laurel was human and she even cast a spell before me.

"Wednesday!" Shouts Ajax.


"You were out of it for a moment. Are you okay?"


"You're lying. I could tell that you were not having a vision. What is it?"

"The last time we got involved with something out of our hands, I almost got all of us killed."

"Do you want to leave?"

"No. This is something you need to do. I will be the Watson to your Holmes."

Ajax looks confused, "Who?"

Wednesday rolls her eyes. "As Enid would say, the Stiles to your Scott."

"Ohh. She does love some Teen Wolf."

"Let us continue." They move towards the elaborate staircase up to the mansion.

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