Ch. 12 - A New Arrival

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After the sun fades, a breeze of dust flies into an alley. The dust starts forming a shape. And when it is complete, it is Cain Addams. He starts looking around. Somehow he lost her trail.

"She must have some powerful creatures protecting her." He goes to walk out the alley, when two men start approaching him.

"Why are you dressed like that weirdo?" says the bigger of the two man.

Cain says back, "Move humans or die."

The guy pull outs a butterfly knife, "did you just threaten us?"

"Greg let's just leave him alone, he was talking to himself, like some killer."

"Don't say my name. I will leave him alone, after he pulls out his wallet." He starts waving the knife around.

"Remember I gave you two a chance to leave," says Cain. His eyes flashes, and the two men's body freeze.

"What did you do, let us go." Says the bigger guy.

"I will after I drink all your blood." His fangs click out, and he sinks them into the neck of the smaller man. He drains him completely. And his body falls to the ground.

"People from my time you to taste so much better."

"Dude please, I'm sorry. Please." The guys starts crying, and wets himself.

"Too late." Cain drains him completely, and his body drops to the ground.

Cain bites his finger. And a drop of blood beads out. He drops it into the mouth of smaller man.

He waits a moment, and the body starts twitching. And the man's eyes open. Cain kicks him, "get up."

"What happened to me?"

"I turned you into my servant, congratulations. As long as I allow you to live, you will be immortal. You now have all types of powers, but they are all under my control." Cain lifts his hand, and the man's eye turns a shocking blue.

"Whatever you say master. I am yours to control."

Cain, pulls a picture out of his pocket, and hands it to the man.

"Show me where I can find this boy." It is a picture of Ajax, taken at Nevermore.

The man grabs the picture, "There a like 10 million people in Greece, Master. I don't know who he is."

Cain sighs and then says, "Then find him."

The man says, "Have you ever heard of Find a friend app."

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