Ch. 66 - All Cleaned Up

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They make it outside.

Ajax goes outside first. "Guys we are okay."

Everyone converges on them.

Eugene says, "Who scratched up Tyler like that?"

"It was me." Enid comes out of nowhere naked.

Eugene's eyes bulge, and he passes out.

"Wednesday! How could you, not tell me that you and Ajax were seeing each other. And all my friends are in secret society and did not invite me. I have never been so hurt. If did not transformed for the first time, I would be so mad."

"Enid, you transformed, and is covered in scratches. This is not the time." Wednesday scolds her, but is smirking on the inside.

"Thornhill and Tyler is dead," says Ajax.

"And Weems," says Bianca. "She will be missed."

They go back to school, and they see the police lights in the distance. They reach them, and Sheriff Galpin runs up to them.

"Where is my son?"

"He is dead. He killed all those people." Galpin looks down, and then looks back at Wednesday.

"Laurel Gates killed him, and she killed your wife. She is dead. And if you try to make this bad for me or my friends. Everyone will not think of him as a victim, we will let them know he was a monster."

He nods his head, and runs with the rest of the police toward the crypt."

"Weems is dead. The serial killers are dead. And everyone's favorite teacher is dead. I think this is a good way to end a semester." He puts his arm over Wednesday's shoulder, and goes back into the school.

Wednesday stops him. "I think we should wait for the ambulance, a lot of us are bleeding profusely."

"You are right."

The ambulance arrives, and sets up a triage.

Xavier arrives, and sees Ajax, and Wednesday wrapped up together.

Xavier yells, "What the hell happened?"

Eugene says, "Don't worry it is all over."

"Who are you?"


They paramedics finish bandaging the students, and leaves.

They all decide to shower, and meet in the morning.

(1 more Chapters till the Finale.)

Wednesday's Viper (Wednesday & Ajax)Where stories live. Discover now