Ch. 38 - Mate Accepted, Part 2

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Wednesday's POV

"Wednesday, I need you to know that I am a very chill guy. I do not know what I want to be in the future. The only joined the gardening club to grow weed. I am not a great student. The most reading I did this year, was the books my brother sent me about gorgons. And that was all to try to get close to you. You are probably one of the smartest people I have ever met. I know you are not like other girls, and I like that. I do not know what our future is, and if we will even complete the mate bond, but I am happy that you are willing to try."

Ajax finishes his big speech with a smile on his face, and all I can see is the happiness in his eyes. Something come over, me and I walk over to him, grab his head and kiss him. At first he is frozen, and then his lips start moving against mine. After a minute, I move back to catch my breath.

"I have to go to send my parents off."

"I heard what happened with your dad, I wanted to be there for you, but I had to keep my distance."

"My dad is free, that idiot Walker tried to frame him, to cover up an attempted murder of the outcast. Galpin and Weems practically helped him."

"Speaking off Galpin, why did you go the dance with Tyler?"

"I still believed that you and the nightshades were trying to prank me, so I went Tyler to appear as feeble. Why think you have a competition for my lips?"

"Not at all. Tyler is a boring normie. You would have gotten tired with him after a month. And it is not just your lips, I want, it is your heart and your brain. Wow, I sound like a serial killer."

"You do sound like a serial killer. I like it.Now, I have to go." I pick up my empty bag, and make my way back to my dorm

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