Ch. 32 - A Relative Visit

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Ajax's POV

I make it back to my room, shower and change out of my paint soaked, clothes. Wednesday won't believe that I am her mate, but she will go to the dance with Tyler. Boring, small town Tyler, who will never be able to make her feel like I did, when kill her. If she wants him, then she can have him. I will not play games.

Next Saturday is parent's weekend, and I don't know who is coming, but, it will be nice to have family over. I get into my bed, and go to sleep. Everyone can't believe that a student got attacked. I don't know who Eugene is, but he must be a friend of Wednesday, because she visited every day since Saturday. I want to talk to her, but I put the ball in her court.

Tomorrow is parent's Weekend, after I leave dinner, I clean my room just in case.

"Kent who from your pod is coming tomorrow?"

"My dad is coming. My Mom wanted to come see me and Divina, but she cannot leave the pod right now." You see sirens live in pods. It is a mix of families, which travel the sea together. Some sirens are born from a siren and a human coupling. Like Davina, and Kent. Their dad is a human, who lives a few hours away, and their mom is the leader of their pod.

"I hope at least one of my family members show up. I will even be happy to see one of my brothers." I point to the picture of us on my desk.

"I still cannot believe, that you have 3 identical siblings."

"There is me, Alecto, Axel, and Alastair. We may look alike, but we are all so different." Alecto is a gorgon like me, but Axel and Alastair are both nagas like our dad. Instead of vipers are there heads, they have just regular brunette hair. Axel and Alastair are really close to each other, since they both go to an outcast school in Britain.

"Dude, I just got a text from my dad. He's already at his hotel room in town. See you later."

"See you"

Several hours later, there is a knock at my door, and I wonder who it could be. I open the door, and it one of brothers. I know it is not Alecto, because he has normal hair. I look at his clothes. He is wearing black denim jeans, with a striped tee, and a leather jacket. I realize that this is Axel.

"Axel, I did not expect you to be the one to come." I hug my brother, picking up his suitcase, bringing it inside.

"I know. We haven't talked in a while, so I thought, why not come here this weekend. I even brought you a gift, it is inside my bag be careful." He opens his bag and pulls out a big silver casing, and puts it on my desk. "Is that what I think it is?"

"This is Great grandmother's journals casing. We have all been talking about how you found your mate. Alecto sent the authentication, but I decided to bring the real thing. When he notices, he will not be happy with me, but I do not care. I want to help you get you mate."

I can't believe that Axel, would do this for me. We may be identical, but the four of us, are not closer then and normal siblings. Like when people say that twins have twin telepathy.

"Thank you, so much. I will keep this close, and safe. My mate's name is Wednesday. She is very smart, beautiful, and kind of a loner. She claimed that I am using this mate bond, as a prank with my friends. I will give her the book, but not right now. You must be tired, you can sleep in my roommate's bed." I give him one of my towels, to shower with and climb in our beds, and go to sleep.

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