Ch.1 - A Whole New Country

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Ajax's POV

"I cannot wait to see Alecto. I want to see how he has changed."

I look at Enid like she is crazy. "Maybe just like me since we are quadruplets."

Enid tilts her head, "I do not know."

Ajax shakes his head already wanting to be in Greece.

On the plane Enid will not stop talking. Talking about Alecto, about the shopping, and all the Grecian outcasts we will see. Wednesday has fallen asleep. My thoughts keeping me up for the past few hours. I wonder what it will be like when I introduce her to my brother. I hope he does not run her off.

"I haven't seen my brother in a year. I was hoping he would come to the Family Weekend, but none of them showed up."

Enid, looks back. "Maybe he was busy with his studies."

I say, "He always has been. I hope he gets along with Wednesday."

"They are very much alike. They are both nerds who love history. That is connection they might make."

"Yeah you are right."

I look over at Wednesday, as she stirred awake.

"Good morning."

"There is nothing good about it. I detest flying, sleeping is the only thing that will keep me sort of sane."

"Well we are almost there."

They all look out the window and see the architecture of Greece in the distance.

"Yes. I am going to shop until I drop. I am going to get everyone a souvenir, and make Alecto fall madly in love with me."

"Please stop Enid, before my nausea returns." Says Wednesday.

The plane makes its final descent, when Wednesday's phone vibrates. She picks it up. And makes a face.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing just my parents realizing I am gone."

"Do not worry your punishment cannot be that bad."

"No punishment is bad enough for me."

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