Ch. 51 - Death of a Therapist

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Ajax's POV

This is getting beyond dangerous. We are a bunch of teenagers, with no one to turn to, way out of our league. We all start walking back to the main part of campus, when we get an alert through our school email telling everyone to meet in the quad, in 30 minutes. I see Kent going with Davina. He has been sneakily staying in her dorm, since her roommates parents removed her from school, because of the killings. I go back my room to shower until the meeting in the quad.

Thornhill, and Tyler are dangerous. The Hyde is probably more power than most of the outcast. My gaze could barely hold on until Wednesday escaped. But if I matured, I would be able to beat him. I go to Xavier's room, and we all walk to the quad together.

"Hello, Students, you must be wondering why myself and the faculty have called you here tonight. I am sorry to say that the monster has taken another life. Someone close to all of us. The victim was Dr. Kinbott," says Weems. I look around at all the teachers, and Thornhill is not present.

Gasps and screams of oh no litter the room. I look at Xavier, and he looks devastated. He became a patient of hers, when his mother died. And now the only person, helping him keep it together is dead. Weems, tells all the students to go to dinner, and if they are having any problems, they can speak to therapist they are bringing in.

I text Wednesday to come to my room. And tell her to bring an overnight bag. I make it back to my room, and 30 minutes later, she shows up. I let her in, and I hug her. She lets me.

"If this was anyone else, I would choke them with their own shoelaces."

"I want you to sleep here tonight. Nothing has to happen, I just want to know that you are here and safe."

"I told Enid, that I was going to be in the library researching, the whole night. I told her to go to Yoko's room, and not to come back till morning."

I wrap my hands around her head, and pull her lips to mine. I feel like this case is centered on Wednesday. I bring her to my bed, and ask if she will just lay with me for a while. She looks at my bed, and sees that I replace my old sheets, and pillowcases, with all black ones. We get into the bed and continue kissing. I am falling in love with Wednesday Addams.

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