Ch.15 - Woe is a Race

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Wednesday's POV

Enid pushes me into the tent, to put on the costume, and I can only imagine what it is. A cat costume, complete with cat ears. I guess I know what I would do for revenge.

Enid walks out the tent, before telling me it looks great, and that I need to leave the tent. I walk outside, and the first person, I see is Ajax. He looks me up and down, and I see his pupils expand, and joker cap start wiggling a lot. He runs inside his team's tent. I knew there was something up with him. I tell Thing to follow him, and get whatever information he can. Enid and I walk towards the snack stand. Thing better find something out, or no more manicures for a month.

"Everyone get to your starting positions the sophomore race is about to begin."

My confidence caused me to lose to Bianca before, but I will beat her this time.

All the teams line up. I see Ajax in his boat, and he looks normal, whatever happened to him must off reversed. Thing jumps into the boat, and goes inside my bag. He looks back at me, and gives me a thumb up. We will debrief, back in the dorm room.

"Get Ready, Get set, and Go."

Off to the races, let's beat Bianca.

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