Ch. 42 - Covering All Bases

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Ajax's POV

Damn, the whole school is lockdown, and none of us is able to leave the campus. It is crazy that someone ran over the Mayor. I want Wednesday to stop investigating this case, bit I know she won't. That is why I will not ask her to stop.

My phone starts ringing and it is Wednesday on the call id. "Wow. You actually used the phone, I am kind of shocked. I thought I would have to call you."

"I need your help with something. Meet me where Eugene keeps his beehive colony, in the woods. Dress in black. Do not get caught."

I wonder what she has planned. I get completely dressed in a black ensemble, and make my way to the woods. I open the door, and Wednesday is the completely dressed in black. Before she can even say anything, I grab her and kiss her. She kisses back.

"You know that I was there when Walker got hit by the car. I think whoever did it, has something to do with the Gates Mansion, and I need to break it into it, but I am not allowed to leave the campus."

"Good. I do not want you to get hurt."

"I can take care of myself"

"Against a monster with sharp claws, and as tall as a bear. And someone willing to run over a man with a car."

"I've done worse. I called you because I had two options, get you to help me or accept Tyler's invitation to a date, and have him drive me."


Tyler asked Wednesday out, and she even though of accepting. I feel the transformation coming on. I grab her, and say "if Tyler even so much as looks at you again I will kill him."

For the first time since I met Wednesday, I see her eyes cloud over with what looks like lust. I pull her lips to mine, and pick her up and put her on a table in the room. And we begin grinding against each other, feeling the heat come of each other's body. "I will not allow, some boring normie to take my mate away from me. I will drive you, we just need a reason to leave campus."

"I have a plan for that."

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