Ch. 40 - Not a Night to Sleep on

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"What part of "no party under the penalty of death" do you not understand?" I should not be shocked that Enid went behind my back to throw a party. And that she told other people, mostly the nightshades. Come to think of it, why is Enid not a part of the nightshades? She is friends with most of them.

Never mind that, the party was not a complete waste of time. I met Goody, but she was a maze of riddles. Why, when you speak to the visions of your dead ancestors, they just speak in plain words. Enid and I make it back to our room, before we get caught. After opening the gift from my parents, Thing gives me a letter. It from Ajax, and it telling me to meet him back at the crypt tomorrow night. I wonder what he has planned. I take off Enid's, torture device present, and put it in my desk drawer. Tomorrow is Sunday, so I have a while before seeing Ajax.

It is Sunday night, and I make my way back to the crypt. I get inside and Ajax is waiting for me, with no hat on, his vipers hanging free. The floor of the crypt is clean, with a huge picnic blanket, basket, and pillows on them. All of them my favorite color, black.

"You showed up."

"My birthday was yesterday. Is anyone else here?"

"No. And I know. And the party was nice, but I wanted to do something just the two of us. Sit."

I sit down on one of the pillows, he sits right next to me, and he starts pulling out, my favorite foods. Then, he pulls out my favorite bottle of wine, with some flutes.

"Let me guess, Thing told you my favorite wine and foods."

"He is a wealth of information about you. I also brought you a gift. Here"

He gives me the present, and it is a small box. I open it and it is a cell phone.

"A better gift then Enid's weird snood, right. I already programmed, my number inside. It is under Viper. And I did not give your number to anyone. I know you like the intimacy of a letter, but this way we can talk without having Thing be a go between. Now, let me give you a quick master class."

He gives me a quick class on the most important features. Then we just start talking about other things.

"Because the journals, were written from you great grandmother's point of view, I did not get to know, what happened to her."

"They live a happy life for a few centuries together, and it wasn't until the 1600s, that Cypress and Andras were both beheaded by Queen Elizabeth I of England for participating in the rebellion against her. They had my grandma, and then she had my mom. I think my Alecto, and I are the first male gorgons, in our family."

"What about Axel, he does not have snakes for hair."

"Axel and our other brother Alistair are nagas. But get this we are quadruplets, so we all look alike. Normal snakes are known for giving birth to clutches. So are nagas. My dad has 6 brothers and they are septuplets, and they are all identical. When I have fully matured as a gorgon, I will have the ability to shift my vipers to hair. What about you Wednesday, what being a psychic. What is it like having visions?"

"It is almost like an out of body experience. That is why I seem to faint or go into a sleeplike state. When I touched the journals, it was almost like I was in the same room, as your great grandparents."

"Whoa, that is amazing, like you are having your own personal flashback. That is cool. I hope you had a great night."

"It was not terrible." Ajax stands up, and helps me up. Then starts packing everything up. We start walking back to the campus.

"Good night Wednesday."

"Night Ajax." He leans and kisses me, before putting his hat on, and walking the opposite direction. Tonight was the best night, I had in a while. But he does not need to know that.

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