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3rd Pov

A group of soldiers look down onto an Eldian camp. The warriors. The cart, jaw, and armored titans along with their commander. 

"Commander Magath, what do you see?" Pieck asked as Magath looked through the scope of a rifle.

"Guards. Lots of them. They all have guns, but most of them have physical weapons. Whips and batons mainly. Most likely to beat the prisoners."

"Do you see Ulrich?" Porco asked as Magath shook his head.

"No. He must be in solitary if he's not doing physical labor."

"We should go in." Pieck said, eager to rescue their friend.

"No. Hold back. We need to scout more. If we wanna rush in, we need reinforcements. We can't just rush in. Even with titans. They have anti-titan artillery. They must expect a titan raid. Considering this is one of the biggest camps they have." Magath said.

"But there's only two cannons. We can destroy those easily with two titan transformations." Reiner said as the commander shook his head again.

"We'd most likely kill some ohe prisoners. We're here to take them into our army." Magath said as he finally looked up from the scope. 

"We are to call for reinforcements. Wait for them to arrive before we strike."


A guard walked through a dim hall as each cell had a number. The guard walked to a door as he unlocked it and brought out an Eldian, on death row. Everyone there watched. Even the man. Covered in bandages. The bandages on his face were soaked as well as the bandages covering his body. But not of only blood. He stood and watched. He was the one next. It would only be a couple of hours. His last hours on this cruel world. This cruel, cruel world. I don't deserve to live. I don't deserve love. All I've done is hurt people. It's good that I'll finally leave this world. He thought as he watched the guard escort the screaming Eldian, who was too weak to fight back down the hall and into another room. They would torture the Eldians for hours on death row before killing them, while Marleyans or any other race, they would put out of their misery in a few seconds. They would torture the Eldians to the brink of death before putting a gun to the back of their heads, and shooting them. Dead. No meaning in their lives. Not having achieved anything.

The screams of the Eldian could be heard throughout the entire building as they peeled his nails off. Cut his stomach open just to stitch it back up. Shooting their legs. Taking their eyes out. But never taking their tongue. Letting them scream their lives out. Never letting them die. Always treating the wounds. Making sure they went through hell. Before their death. Making the rest of them listen, and look at their dead bodies being dragged out. To most, it traumatized them. Giving them nightmares until it was finally their turn. Their turn to walk through hell before leaving this world. But to the man, it was a blessing. Being able to finally leave this cruel world. He had already gone through hell. Faced so much. Failed at everything. Hurt her. Now he didn't even know who he was. A scout or soldier. It had been too long. He had been a soldier, fighting for Marley, he met so many people, so many ideas, he didn't know what to think. Or what to think if he failed. If it had to happen. He didn't know what he would do. He just wanted to rest. That's what he always thought on his way to death. To stare hell right in the face. And allow it to take him. After he'd been fighting it for so long.

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