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After yesterday Scarlett is again with her older sister and after the events of yesterday, she's ok with that because she actually enjoys being in the nicu. She feels calm there for some reason.

"Doctor Montgomery" Alex smirks standing next to her at the nurses station. 

"Doctor Karev, why are you here in the nicu"

"Bailey doesn't want me, she's got grey, yang and o'malley so me and Izzie are with you and Addison and apparently Derek"


"Karev heard you and Steven's where joining us where is she"

"I'm here sorry I'm late" Izzie pants.

"Ok Steven's your with me and Derek, scar you've got Karev, you have to go through Mrs Lynn's records to see why her 2 week year old daughter is seizing, we did run some tests but they won't be back for a while you know how these places are espically during the week, they practically hate us and want us to suffer, anything about epilepsy or anything that gives us an idea of why she is having these seizures Steven's come with me" Addison says walking away.

"Guess your stuck with me pretty girl" he smirks.

"Great" she sighs.

"I'm not that bad"

"Your an ass everyone's right you are evil spawn" she says.

"Does evil turn you on doctor Montgomery" he smirks following her.

"You wish"

"Do you like me doctor montgomery"

"You're so full of yourself you know that, honey I'm sorry to break it to you but not everyone likes you" she says.

Truth is that was a lie and Scarlett knows it, she does like Alex and she definitely finds him attractive would she ever tell that to him, no because he's already got a big enough ego.

"So a whole day with me, like your day could get any better, I'm amazing"

"Like my day could get any worse, being with you is like being stuck in a hell dimension"

"Oh your faking I understand"

"Can you shut up for just one second please" she says turning to look at him and he just smiles.

As they walk Scarlett sighs, why couldn't Alex get the married couple who are fighting, Izzie wouldn't be this annoying and she doesn't like the girl and she knows the girl doesn't like her so there would be no talking it would be amazing but no here she is stuck with evil spawn himself.

"I have one last question"

"Shoot" she sighs.

"Why does Derek and Addison call you bugs"

"It's been my nickname since I was a child, you know how people call kids pumpkin or whatever I got the nickname bugs for some reason"


"Hi can I please get the files of Mrs Karina Lynn's records please"

"Yeah I'll be back"

"So what are we looking for"

"If you heard my sister you'd know, where looking for a reason her 2 week year old child is having seizures"

"Here you go"

"Thank you"

"Now where are we going"

"Basement, that's the place I don't get distracted"

SCARLETT MONTGOMERY Where stories live. Discover now