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It's been a week since George's funeral and everyone's starting to be ok, even Izzie, the main focus for the blonde right now is her son, Derek and Meredith are living there happy married life, Arizona and Callie are now officially dating and so is Owen and Cristina, Bailey and her husband got divorced and as for Alex and Scarlett, there becoming stronger every day, since mark moved on Alex moved back in, which meant that Lexie finally got a bedroom instead of living in the attic but she's not there much, instead she's at marks apartment. Today the chief has got everyone into the conference hall.

"What do you think this will be about" Meredith says sitting between Scarlett and Cristina.

"No idea" Alex says snaking on chips and Scarlett steals one earning a glare from the man.

"What you love me"

"Hey sorry where late" Lexie says sitting down alongside mark who sits in the row behind them between Callie and Derek.

"Ha we know why you're late" Cristina smirks.

"Shut up"

"Thank you everyone for being here today, as you know this hospital is very familiar with change but once these words come out of my mouth, I don't know how everyone will take it"

"Is he quitting" Scarlett asks.

"You really think he'd quit" Arizona asks.

"I don't know"

"Truthfully I didn't want this to happen either"

"Hes quitting" Cristina says.

"I vote mark for new chief"

"Oh thanks"

"Montgomery and Sloan please quiet down, as I was saying, I tried everything to make this not happen but unfortunately it did anyway and this place will never be the same again, last week I was speaking to mercy west and their closing down"

"Thank god" Cristina sighs and Scarlett and Alex laugh.

"Which means the doctors there have nowhere to go, but now they do, in three weeks once the new hospital year starts and the last year residents become attendings"

"Like miss Torres"

"The interns, residents and attendings of mercy west will be working here, Seattle grace and mercy west will be merging into Seattle grace mercy west hospital"

"What" Meredith says.

"I'm sorry to say some people will loose there jobs so mercy west can gain them, which is why I'm saying as of now you need to put one hundred and ten percent effort into your work, even if it as small as putting stitches in, you need to give it your all so you don't lose your job, because truthfully I don't want to loose any of you, your all amazing doctors that have so much potential" the Webber man says.

"What the hell" Scarlett groans.

"Him quitting would have been better" mark says.

"This is hell, we've literally walked into hell and this is it" Cristina says.

"Now I don't expect you guys to be happy about this, I'm not but unfortunately there is nothing we can do, we can only welcome them and allow them into our hospital"

"What if we just lock the doors and tell them the place is closed down would that work" Scarlett says and mark smirks high fiving the blonde infront of him.

"No, sorry doctor Montgomery that would not work"

"Ugh" Alex groans.

"Why our hospital" Cristina asks.

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