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"Addison" mark says walking into the nicu, noticing the Montgomery women.


"There here"

"who, oh my god" she sighs looking at her parents.

"Why not happy to see us" her father says.

"Why are you here"

"Because you called"

"I called to tell you that's not a invite to come here, she doesn't want to see you"

"We want to see her, we want to let her know we're supporting her, I've been praying for her since we found out"

"Your supporting her now but you weren't when she was ten"

"You took her away"

"I did was what right, I did what I had to do to make her happy, she wasn't happy with you, she cried herself to sleep for god sake, a ten year old shouldn't think her parents hate her and you know what she's right, you did hate her"

"No we didn't"

"Yes you did"

"We've made a appointment to see her this afternoon and we where wondering if you wanted to come with us"

"I saw her this morning"

"How is she"

"She's not Scarlett, she's been there for three days and that girl in there isn't my sister, she isn't the girl I raised by myself"

"You didn't have to raise her"

"Yes I did, now can I get back to work"

"Doctor Sloan would you tell me where Scarlett's boyfriend is doctor Karev"

"He's not here"

"Oh that's a shame I wanted to meet who was in love with my daughter"

"Hi" Alex says watching Scarlett sit down.


"You ok"

"I feel like I've lost ten kilos"

"Why aren't you eating"

"The foods crap here, you want to go to prison for a day, they give you stale bread and off milk it's disgusting"

"Hey you'll be out of here before you know it, I miss you at home and so does mark"

"If you guys have ruined my house I'll be pissed"

"No, everything is clean, just the way you like it" he says and she smiles.

"So how are you"

"I'm ok"

"Alex you don't have to be doing this with me, you have an out, im giving you one, because what if they find some loop hole and make me stay in prison until I die"

"Hey babe don't listen to those messed up thoughts in your head ok, we've got your back and your giving me an out I don't want, ok I want to be with you, for the rest of my life, I want to grow old and grey and senile with you"

"I'm just saying"

"I know but I love you ok"

"I love you too, how's work"

"Not the same without you"

"Oh" she grins.

"You give that place light, it's like your the sunshine that place needs"

"And the others how are they like Cristina, Izzie and Mer"

"They ok, Meredith misses you heaps, izzies making a cook book of what kind of cakes to make you when you get out and Cristina well she misses you"

"I miss them"

"The outside world isn't the same without you"

"I'll be ok"

"You'll be ok"

Later that day in her room, she sees a letter slide under her door.

"MAIL" an officer says walking past.

When she opens the letter there's a photo, it's a photo of her and Alex, but Alex's head has a massive Red Cross on it and on the letter it says five simple words.

You deserve what you get

"What the hell" she says.

When she looks at the back of the photo there's no writing anything and that makes her more confused.

"Who the hell sent me this" she thinks.


"Yes" she says opening her door.

"You have a visitor"

"Another one"

"Yes come on"

When she gets to the visiting room, she's shocked to see her parents there.

"Oh my god" her mother says.

"Why are you here" she says sitting down.

"Where worried sweetie"

"But you weren't worried when you left me when I was ten"

"We made a mistake, one that took you from us"

"Your mistake made me who I am today and add didn't steal me, she took me for my own good, she did something that you could never, she taught me the wrong and the right, she loved me with every inch of her heart, she was there when I graduated primary school and high school, she helped me pick out my prom dress, watched me grow into the women I am, I'm here because of her"

"She had no right"

"What so if I didn't go with her what would happen then, you don't go leave a ten year old on there own"

"We know, that's why where here we want to start fresh, we want to bring you back to New York, you can work in the hospital there like you did before, this place is no good for you"

"Ha funny you think I'm going to leave Seattle and go back to New York, seattles home"

"Seattle isn't home scar"

"It's Scarlett to you" she says looking at her mother.

"I named you, I have the right to call you what I want"

"No you don't since you signed those papers, technically you aren't even my parents"

"Your making a mistake, we can help you"

"You should of said that to me back then and then maybe we wouldn't be here would we"

"Your telling me if we took care of you, you wouldn't be in Seattle"

"No" she admits.

"I'm sorry"

"Stop saying that when we all know you don't mean it, why are you here"

"As we said we care about you"

"Do me a favour please"


"Talk to add all you want, but leave me the hell alone" she says standing up and walking off.


"GO FUCK YOURSELF" she says as the officer closes the door behind them.

"Old friends"

"Parents, stuck up, self centred parents who don't care about anyone apart from themselves" she says.

SCARLETT MONTGOMERY Where stories live. Discover now